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US says it helped Israel thwart Iranian attack, reaffirms unwavering support | Israel attacks Lebanon

US says it helped Israel thwart Iranian attack, reaffirms unwavering support | Israel attacks Lebanon
US says it helped Israel thwart Iranian attack, reaffirms unwavering support | Israel attacks Lebanon


The United States said it helped Israel thwart an Iranian ballistic missile attack, with a senior White House official telling reporters that the U.S. military coordinated closely with its Israeli counterparts to shoot down the projectiles.

U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Tuesday that U.S. naval destroyers have joined Israeli air defense units in firing interceptors to shoot down missiles en route.

In short, based on what we know at this point, this attack appears to have been defeated and ineffective, Sullivan said during a White House press briefing.

It is above all the result of the professionalism of the [Israeli military]. But much of this is due to the capable work of the US military and meticulous joint planning in anticipation of the attack.

Asked about Washington's views on possible Israeli retaliation, Sullivan said discussions were continuing between top U.S. and Israeli military and political leaders. We want to have in-depth consultations with the Israelis, he said.

Sullivan later added: We are proud of the actions we have taken alongside Israel to protect and defend Israel. We have made clear that this attack will have serious consequences, and we will work with Israel to ensure that this is the case.

Analysts have been warning for months that the failure of US President Joe Biden's administration to pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government to agree to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip would push the Middle -East in a regional war.

A regional war becomes inevitable when the United States continues to finance and aid Netanyahu and all his war crimes, his genocide, his attacks on all his neighbors, said Raed Jarrar, advocacy director at DAWN, a think tank in Washington, DC.

This will not stop unless the United States puts its foot down and says: We will not send more weapons to Israel. We will not finance or assist Israeli crimes,” Jarrar told Al Jazeera.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said it fired missiles at Israel Tuesday night in retaliation for the killings of people in Gaza and Lebanon, as well as the recent assassinations of leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah and the IRGC.

The shooting came just hours after the Israeli army announced it had launched limited ground incursions into southern Lebanon. Hezbollah has denied that Israeli forces entered Lebanese territory.

The Israeli army, which has been exchanging fire with Hezbollah for months on the Israeli-Lebanese border, has recently intensified its attacks against the country. Israeli strikes on Beirut's southern suburbs and other areas have killed and injured thousands of people in recent weeks.

Amid rising attacks and regional tensions, the Biden administration has repeatedly said it favors diplomacy and wants de-escalation.

But critics have noted that the U.S. government continues to offer Israel unwavering military and diplomatic support.

Washington provides Israel with at least $3.8 billion in military aid a year, and Biden has greenlighted $14 billion in additional aid to the U.S. ally since the Gaza war began in October from last year.

In his first comments on the Iranian attack, Biden told reporters that his administration was in active discussions with Israel over its response.

The attack appears to have been defeated and ineffective, the US president said, adding that the United States fully supports Israel.

Serious consequences

Earlier Tuesday, the White House said Biden had ordered the U.S. military to assist in Israel's defense against Iranian attacks and to shoot down missiles that target Israel.

The Pentagon also said in a statement that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant discussed the serious consequences for Iran if Iran chose to launch a direct military attack against Israel.

The statement did not specify what those consequences would be.

A spokesperson for the US State Department said Tuesday afternoon that the Biden administration's support for Israel's security remains unwavering.

We will continue to stand with the people of Israel at this critical time, Matthew Miller told reporters.

This morning, @VP and I gathered our national security team to discuss Iranian plans to launch an imminent missile attack against Israel.

We discussed how the United States is prepared to help Israel defend itself against these attacks and protect American personnel in the region.

President Biden (@POTUS) October 1, 2024

But according to DAWN analyst Jarrar, the Biden administration's blank check policy toward Israel is what led to the current escalation. The Biden administration is dysfunctional and there is no one in the driver’s seat. There is no leadership, he said.

This administration is completely absent. They give Israel 100 percent of what they want, in weapons and money, and they can exert 0 percent pressure on Israel. Netanyahu gets everything he wants, but he doesn't have to pay a price for anything.

What we saw today is the result of the failure of American leadership in the Middle East and North Africa. The region has officially entered a full-scale regional war.

Khalil Jahshan, executive director of the Arab Center in Washington DC, also said the Biden administration's unconditional support for Netanyahu's government was taking the entire region into the unknown.

In the year since the Gaza war began, Jahshan told Al Jazeera that the United States had shown complete and unquestioning support not only for Israeli policies, but also for Israeli excesses.

It is the result of a unilateral policy that refused to accept any element of rationality from the start of this conflict, he said.




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