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Imran Khan pays tribute to Nasrallah and Haniyeh and calls for action against the 'Gang of Three'

Imran Khan pays tribute to Nasrallah and Haniyeh and calls for action against the 'Gang of Three'
Imran Khan pays tribute to Nasrallah and Haniyeh and calls for action against the 'Gang of Three'


In a social media post shared on nation.

“The positions of Syed Hassan Nasrallah and Ismail Haniyeh are very high in the eyes of God because they sacrificed their lives to defend their country,” Imran Khan wrote, aligning their actions with the Islamic concept of martyrdom.

He emphasized that martyrdom is highly revered in Islam, placing martyrs second only to prophets in the divine hierarchy.

Imran Khan invoked the example of Tipu Sultan, saying: “I would rather be martyred fighting for my country like Tipu Sultan than die like Bahadur Shah Zafar. »

His statement reflected a preference for a heroic death in battle rather than a life marked by defeat and dishonor.

Quoting the Persian poet Rumi, Imran Khan continues his reflection on freedom and personal responsibility.

“God created man free. When God gave you wings, why do you crawl like insects?” he wrote.

The former prime minister then turned his attention to the state of Pakistan's political system.

He once again criticized the “Gang of Three” and the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), accusing them of subjugating state institutions for their own benefit.

“The Supreme Court is the only institution left, and now they are trying to subjugate it too with unconstitutional amendments,” Imran Khan said.

He added: “Pakistan no longer has the rule of law and there is no accountability. »

Imran then accused the government of manipulating the system to obtain extensions to their mandate, saying: “The Gang of Three broke all laws to obtain extensions, the most negative impact of which was on the economy.”

“All those in power now have their wealth hidden abroad, so they are ruthlessly destroying the country's institutions for personal gain and power,” Imran Khan wrote.

“It’s do or die time!” he said, calling on his supporters to free themselves from the “chains of fear.”

“All my efforts have been aimed at freeing you,” he continued. “It is time for you to think beyond your personal interests and respond to every call to protest for the sake of the future of the country.”

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in Israeli airstrike

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli airstrike on the group's central headquarters in Beirut's southern suburbs, according to Iran's Mehr news agency.

The Israeli military claimed responsibility for the attack, confirming Nasrallah's death, as well as that of another senior Hezbollah commander, Ali Karaki.

Israeli army spokesman Avichay Adraee said Nasrallah was eliminated in an airstrike targeting Hezbollah leaders, accusing the group of “coordinating terrorist activities against Israel.”

The death of Nasrallah, who led Hezbollah for more than 32 years, is a blow to Hezbollah and Iran, whose Revolutionary Guards helped found the group in 1982.

Although Hezbollah has not issued an official statement, the strike has heightened tensions in the region, raising concerns that the conflict will continue.

Iran's Tasnim news agency initially reported that Nasrallah survived the attack, but Iran later confirmed his death, further straining diplomatic relations between Israel and Lebanon.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh assassinated in Iran

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran just hours after attending the inauguration ceremony of the country's new president.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards confirmed Haniyeh's death Wednesday morning, calling the assassination a “cowardly act” by Israeli forces, although Israel has not yet commented on the killing.

Haniyeh, a prominent figure in Hamas's international diplomatic efforts, had been traveling between Turkey and Qatar to broker ceasefire talks amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Haniyeh's assassination is seen as a major escalation in the Middle East's already tense political landscape, further complicating efforts for a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza. Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior Hamas official, condemned the assassination, calling it an attempt to “break the will of Hamas.”

Haniyeh's assassination follows the recent death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in an Israeli strike, intensifying fears of a wider regional conflict.




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