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China celebrates 75 years of Communist Party as economic challenges and security threats persist

China celebrates 75 years of Communist Party as economic challenges and security threats persist
China celebrates 75 years of Communist Party as economic challenges and security threats persist


BEIJING — China is marking the 75th anniversary of Communist Party rule as economic challenges and security threats persist in the massive state.

No festivities were announced Tuesday for the 75th anniversary, except for a flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square, with an honor guard parading from the entrance to the vast palace that over the centuries past, was the residence of Chinese emperors.

Fully state-controlled media outlets have published constant reports on China's economic progress and social stability, with no mention of challenges ranging from falling birth rates to disrupted supply chains that have hurt an economy largely focused on exports.

Commemorations were also held in the former British colony of Hong Kong and the former Portuguese territory of Macau, both of which returned to Chinese sovereignty in the late 1990s, a key sign of Beijing's determination to overcome what he called a century of humiliation.

In recent decades, China has only held military parades and displays of the country's economic might at the turn of the decades, such as for 60th and 70th anniversaries.

The world's second-largest economy has struggled to regain momentum after the COVID-19 pandemic.

A prolonged housing crisis has spilled over into other sectors of the economy, from construction to the sale of household appliances. Last week, China announced a series of measures to stimulate the economy, including lower interest rates and lower down payment requirements for mortgages.

Party leader and head of state Xi Jinping has largely avoided foreign travel since the pandemic, while continuing his purges at home against senior officials considered insufficiently loyal or suspected of corruption or corruption. personal indiscretions.

The road ahead will not be easy, there will definitely be difficulties and obstacles, and we may encounter major trials such as strong winds and rough seas, or even stormy waves, Xi warned at a banquet on the eve of the birthday.

We must be vigilant in peacetime, plan in advance and rely closely on the entire Party, the entire army and people of all ethnic groups across the country, he said. he declared, no difficulty can stop the Chinese people from moving forward.

The anniversary also comes as China faces growing friction with its neighbors, including Japan, South Korea and the Philippines, over their territorial claims and close relationship with Beijing's main rival, the United States.

The Communists under Mao Zedong took power in 1949 amid a civil war with the Nationalists, also known as the KMT, led by Chiang Kai-shek, who shifted their political, economic and military power to democracy island now autonomous from Taiwan.

Beijing continues to insist that Taiwan must be annexed under Communist Party rule, by force if necessary, while the United States has provided weapons to ensure its defense.

China, meanwhile, is embroiled in disputes over its claims to most of the South China Sea and uninhabited islands held by Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam and other neighboring countries.

China's military buildup and recent launch of a nuclear-capable ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean have raised concerns about possible conflict.

At home, Xi became a leader for life by ending term limits and expanding his power over key government and party organs. China does not allow any competitive elections and the party maintains near-total control over the media that inform its 1.4 billion people.

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Xi on the anniversary and the subsequent establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations, noting that Russia was the first country to recognize the People's Republic of China 75 years ago, according to the official news agency Xinhua.

Xi reaffirmed their close ties, saying China will continue to expand comprehensive pragmatic cooperation between the two countries.




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