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President Joko Widodo inaugurates 7 PLBN

President Joko Widodo inaugurates 7 PLBN
President Joko Widodo inaugurates 7 PLBN

Bengkayang, West Kalimantan Media

The President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo simultaneously inaugurated 7 cross-border posts (PLBN) on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. WIT and the Jagoi Babang PLBN was centered in the yard of the Jagoi PLBN in Jagoi Village, Jagoi Babang district, Kab. Bengkayang, West Kalimantan province.

The inauguration of the PLBN Jagoi Babang as well as 6 (six) National Border Posts (PLBN) was carried out via the online video conferencing platform zoom.

Present at this inauguration were the Acting Regent of Bengkayang, Drs. Anne Tria Sefyina.SH, SIK, Chairman of the Bengkayang District DPRD, Debit, SH, Kajari Bengkayang, Arifin Arsyad, SH, MH, Kaban BPPD Kab. Bengkayang, Drs Lorensius, head of Disperindag Kab. Bengkayang, Dr. Yan, S.Sos, MSi, head of Diskominfo Kab. Bengkayang, Aleksius.S.Sos., M.Si, Head of BNN Bengkayang Regency, Wahyu Kurniawan, SM Kes, Head of PLBN Management Jagoi Babang, Misdo Jerry br Purba, S.AP, Head of Class Immigration II TPI Singkawang, Hanafi, Head of Entikong Port Health Quarantine Office, Dr. Marfyanti MHSM, BKHIP Pontianak Quarantine, Swet Sinay, Danlanud Hadi Soemantri represented by Kadislog, Major Kal Sandi Ramdani, Head of Jagoi Babang District, Saidin, Spt, Siding District Chief, D Idal, Danramil 1209-07/jgb was represented by Sertu I Nengah Santika, Kapolsek Jagoi Babang, AKP Asep Maulana, Customs and Excise Chief Jagoi Babang, Piasdo, Wadan Pamtas RI Task Force – Malay Yonkav 12/BC, captain Kav Rahmad. Junianto Wibowo, Kadesh Jagoi Babang, Deden, S. Pd, Jagoi Ababang Traditional figure, Sujianto, BIN Kab. Bengkayang, Imam, Team 8 Bais TNI Jagoi Babang, West Kalimantan PUPR Provincial Staff, Wiliam, as well as Babinsa Ramil 1209-07/jgb Serda Herman Kelana, Director of Perumdam Tirta Bengkayang Wardi, S.Si and a number of other guests.

The event began with a presentation of the Information Panel on the Development of the PLBN by the Director General of Human Settlements, a speech by the Minister of Interior as head of the BNPP, a screening of video 7 of the PLBN, an inauguration speech by the President of the Republic of Indonesia and ended with the emphasis of the mermaid and the presentation of the inscription.

President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo said that the border area is the porch and home of the Republic of Indonesia, so it is necessary to build a PLBN. Apart from this, the construction of the PLBN is not only aimed at beautifying the border areas. However, there are three other strategic values, namely: As a manifestation of the government's presence in the border areas and showing the development progress of the Republic of Indonesia.

Then, as a form of government to improve and equalize the economy in border areas and as a buffer zone for national defense.

The 7 PLBNs inaugurated today include PLBN Napan, Northern Middle East Regency, NTT Province (Type C Land PLBN) built in 2020-2024 with a budget cap of IDR 128.9 billion, PLBN Serasan , Natuna Regency, Riau Islands Province (Type C Sea PLBN) built in 2020-2022 with a budget ceiling of IDR 144.7 billion, PLBN Jagoi Babang Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Province (Type C Land PLBN ) built in 2020-2024 with a budget cap of IDR 226.6 billion, PLBN Sei Nyamuk- Sei Batik Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan Province (Maritime PLBN Type B) was built in 2020-2022 with a cap budget of IDR 248.5 billion, Long Nawang Regency PLBN Malinau, North Kalimantan Province (Land Type C PLBN) was constructed in 2020-2024. with a budget ceiling of IDR 243.6 billion, PLBN Labang district. Nunukan Province North Kalimantan (Land PLBN Type C) was constructed in 2020-2024 with a budget ceiling of IDR 210.8 billion, and Yetetkun Regency PLBN Boven Digoel, South Papua Province (Land PLBN of type C) was built in 2020-2024 with a budget ceiling of IDR 146.7 billion.

To a number of media outlets, PLBN Leader Jagoi Babang Misdo Jerry Br Purba said: “In general, we are ready and specifically before the inauguration event, we have prepared invitations to Forkopimda in Forkopimcam to traditional leaders and community.

“Apart from that, we have prepared tents to mitigate the rain as well as tools to support the video conference with the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the video background being the building and the Jagoi Babang PLBN icon, including electrical stability and strengthening of the telecommunications network. support videoconferencing activities.

“So today all well-prepared activities will take place safely and smoothly,” said Misdo Purba. (Kour/mk)




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