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The Pickleball Tournament supports services for the elderly

The Pickleball Tournament supports services for the elderly
The Pickleball Tournament supports services for the elderly


BETHLEHEM Bethlehem Senior Projects will host its first pickleball tournament on Oct. 5, showcasing the city's newly constructed pickleball courts while raising money for services and transportation for the city's older residents.

More than 150 players will compete on the Elm Avenue Park courts.

The game was created in 1965 on Bainbridge Island in Washington State, when Joel Prtichard's children were told to make up their own game.

The name of the game became Pickle Ball after I said it reminded me of the pickle boat in the crew, where rowers were chosen from the scraps of other boats, Pritchard's wife, Joan, told The Parkersburg News and Sentinel.

That's because the game uses leftover equipment from various sports: a wiffle ball, table tennis paddles and a badminton court with a net at the height used for tennis.

The sport's popularity (the Sports and Fitness Industry Association named it the nation's fastest-growing sport several years in a row) grew by leaps and bounds, and now 9 million people play pickleball in the United States.

All proceeds from the Bethlehem Tournament will benefit the Bethlehem Senior Services Department for:

Promoting aging through the purchase of a new handicapped-accessible van that can be added to the fleet of cars and vans that volunteers use to transport seniors to chemo/radiation and medical appointments, grocery stores, hair appointments and social events to take;

Reducing social isolation by financing social and educational programs and events for seniors; And

Reducing food insecurity for all Bethlehem residents by financially supporting the Bethlehem Food Pantry

The tournament has different skill levels, from beginner to advanced, and the matches will be played on October 5 from 8am to 6pm.

Pickleball lessons are offered from 10am to noon and from 2pm to 4pm for $5 per person on a first come, first served basis. Paddles and balls are provided.

Pickleball518 tournament director Cathleen Crowley Denbeaux will oversee the event.

The rain date for the event is Sunday, October 6.

Local businesses and individuals are encouraged to support the tournament through sponsorships and donations. Interested parties can find more information on the Bethlehem Senior Projects website:; the site can also be used for player registration.

Melissa Hale Spencer




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