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No. No. 18 field hockey falls to No. 20 Geneseo, 3-0

No. No. 18 field hockey falls to No. 20 Geneseo, 3-0
No. No. 18 field hockey falls to No. 20 Geneseo, 3-0


GENESEO, NY -The nationally ranked No. 18 Ithaca College field hockey team dropped a midweek game 3-0 to the No. 20 SUNY Geneseo Knights on the road on Oct. 2. The loss brings the Bombers' record to 6-4.

With a matchup history dating back to 1999, the non-conference match saw some inconsistent midfield play and little offensive possession on either side of the pitch, but the Knights made quick work of the Bombers' defense. Just 5:44 into the game, Geneseo took advantage of his first shot of the competition to give the Knights an early 1-0 lead.

The Knights would only have one more chance in the quarter, but failed to convert further. Geneseo's defenses held off the bombers.

The second quarter started in a similar fashion to the first, with both teams struggling to find attacking opportunities. However, when the Knights got their chance after five minutes of play, the Bombers' second goalkeeper came into action Abby Cannon was an anchor in the cage.

Second striker Brady Sullivan was the first to test the Knights' goaltender, but Geneseo's defense held the Bombers scoreless well into the second quarter. The Knights rattled off four more shots before one proved successful with just under three minutes remaining to put them ahead, 2-0.

Senior midfielder Emma Garver put another shot on the board for the Bombers, but failed to convert before half-time.

The Knights opened the second half with three consecutive penalty corners, firing one shot that was stopped by a diving defensive save from the freshman defenseman Ellie Gipe. However, a fourth penalty corner would find a hole in the Bombers' defense and extend the Knights' lead to 3-0 after just under three minutes.

The Bombers would find just one scoring opportunity during the frame, with senior defenseman Madeleine Goodman one was fired from the left side of the cage, but it was eventually stopped and redistributed by a knight defender.

The bombers opened the final frame with new attack fire. After drawing a penalty corner two minutes into the game, the Ithaca offense scored two shots from the senior striker Natalie Descalso and freshman striker Mia Woodard both of which were ultimately shot by Geneseo's defenses.

Despite outscoring the Knights 4–1 in the final quarter, the Bombers were unable to convert before regulation closed. The Knights ultimately managed 11 shots to the Bombers' seven, while Cannon earned four saves in the cage. Both teams were awarded eight penalty corners.

The Bombers return home for their second Liberty League match against the William Smith College Herons at Higgins Stadium on October 5 at 1pm.




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