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'Worst decision ever', Imran Khan slams Pakistan's chief justice

'Worst decision ever', Imran Khan slams Pakistan's chief justice
'Worst decision ever', Imran Khan slams Pakistan's chief justice


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf founder Imran Khan has issued a statement against Pakistan's Chief Justice Faiz Isa, calling him “the most controversial and worst Chief Justice”. He accused Isa of sabotaging democracy and ethics for personal gain.

Imran Khan said the Chief Justice ensured implementation of the 'London Plan' and worked to crush the PTI. In an article on X, he said: “I have never seen a controversial and worse Chief Justice like Qazi Faiz Isa in history. The Extension Mafia is part of the Gang of Three. The Qazi buried the Constitution of Pakistan, Supreme Court, democracy and ethics for his personal interest and extension. He ensured the implementation of the London plan and worked hard to destroy Tehreek-e-Insaf, all cases of Nawaz Sharif are pardoned and I remain in jail.

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Imran Khan explained the 'London Plan' saying, “According to the London Plan, Qazi allowed Tehreek-e-Insaf to be crushed and remained silent, just as the Western powers remained silent by giving Israel a free license to crush the people. of Palestine. First, Sikandar Sultan Raja was used to completely crush Tehreek-e-Insaf and then Qazi Faiz Isa continued to play his role. Commissioner Rawalpindi discovered the collusion between them and exposed the entire conspiracy.

When the government was overthrown by a conspiracy in April 2022, it was claimed that Pakistan had become completely isolated in the world, which was completely false propaganda. In our time, two Islamic conferences were held in Pakistan, in which Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman participated, he added.

Imran Khan defended his party members Ali Amin Gandapur and Gauhar Ali Khan, saying: “Ali Amin Khan Gandapur is our hero; he did an excellent job. The manner in which he led the genuine freedom struggle without coveting his chief ministership is commendable. Likewise, our party president Barrister Gohar Ali Khan has done an excellent job. I congratulate him for the way he has led the party through difficult times.

Mohsin Dawar, former member of the National Assembly of Pakistan, pointed out that the PTI government is suppressing the Jarga camp of the Pashtun Tahafuz movement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

“It is beyond shameful to see how the Pakhtunkhwa police, under the PTI government, are suppressing the Jarga camp of the PTM. They destroyed their tents and equipment and used force against PTM members. The PTI complains that it was subjected to brutality in Punjab while it carried out violence in Pakhtunkhwa,” he said.

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