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Donald Trump mocks Jimmy Carter on his 100th birthday

Donald Trump mocks Jimmy Carter on his 100th birthday


Former President Carter turned a century on Tuesday, October 1, after spending more than 19 months in hospice care.

Selcuk Acar/Anadolu via Getty, Jessica McGowan/Getty

Donald Trump, left, criticized Jimmy Carter, right, on the 100th birthday of the 39th president of the United States.

Donald Trump mocked fellow countryman Jimmy Carter during a campaign speech to mark his predecessor's historic 100th birthday.

Trump, 78, spoke about the 39th president of the United States during a speech at a manufacturing plant in Waunakee, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, October 1, according to PBS.

After calling President Joe Biden the worst president in U.S. history, Trump told the crowd: Jimmy Carter is the happiest man because Jimmy Carter is considered a brilliant president in comparison, according to The Daily Beast and USA Today.

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Carter, a Democrat, served one term as president from 1977 to 1981. He was defeated by Republican Ronald Reagan in his 1980 reelection bid.

Trump's comment on Carter's legacy came as other Republican leaders put aside their partisanship to honor the longest-serving president's centennial, which came more than 19 months after he entered a center palliative care in February 2023.

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Win McNamee/Getty

Former US President Donald Trump was criticizing President Joe Biden when he made the remark about Jimmy Carter, who served one term as president in the 1970s.

Carter has criticized Trump in the past. During an interview with CBS News in 2018, he claimed that Trump was very careless with the truth, a notion also brought up in an interview with the Washington Post that same year.

I think he's a disaster when it comes to human rights and treating people equally, Carter said at the time, before former first lady Rosalynn Carter, who died in November 2023, intervened.

The worst part is that he doesn't tell the truth, and that hurts everything, she added.

On the same subject: The life of Jimmy Carter in photos

Eddie Mullholland-Pool WPA/Getty

Former US President Jimmy Carter celebrated his 100th birthday on Tuesday October 1st.

Jason Carter, the former president's grandson, recently told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that his grandfather hopes to live long enough to vote in this year's presidential election.

I'm just trying to vote for Kamala Harris, President Carter reportedly told those close to him.

Early voting in Georgia, where Carter lives, opens Oct. 15 for the Nov. 5 election, and mail-in ballots are sent out up to 29 days before the election. Georgia does not have a law prohibiting a ballot from being counted if someone dies between the early voting period and Election Day.

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Carter is currently the oldest former president and longest-serving president in United States history.

Trump is currently the oldest presidential candidate in U.S. history and the second-oldest person to be sworn in as president, behind Biden.

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