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US prosecutors detail new evidence in Trump election subversion case | US Election News 2024

US prosecutors detail new evidence in Trump election subversion case | US Election News 2024
US prosecutors detail new evidence in Trump election subversion case | US Election News 2024


A US federal judge has released new evidence against Donald Trump in an ongoing election subversion case in Washington, DC.

Judge Tanya Chutkan on Wednesday unveiled a 165-page court filing that details the prosecution's argument that Trump, in his final months as president, acted in a private capacity to overturn the results of the 2020 election .

The filing is Special Counsel Jack Smith's latest effort to illustrate how presidential immunity does not apply to Trump's actions. It presents perhaps the most comprehensive case yet of the 78-year-old's efforts to cling to power as his term expires.

It also comes just a month before the 2024 election, as Trump once again seeks re-election.

In the filing, prosecutors allege that Trump told his family members: It doesn't matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell.

The memoir also recounts numerous interactions in which the former president was repeatedly told that there was no evidence that his 2020 election battle with Joe Biden was rigged or stolen by massive voter fraud , as Trump has repeatedly asserted.

A reaction to the Supreme Court

A central part of the brief is the allegation that Trump's actions were carried out in his capacity as a private citizen, rather than in his official role.

Indeed, earlier this summer, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Trump had broad immunity for his actions as president.

The defendant claims he is immune from prosecution for his criminal scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election because, he believes, it involved official conduct, the filing states.

This is not the case. Even though the accused was the incumbent president at the time of the incriminated plots, his project was fundamentally private.

It adds: Working with a team of private co-conspirators, the defendant acted as a candidate when he used multiple criminal means to disrupt, through fraud and deception, the government function by which votes are collected and counted, a function in which the accused, as president, had no official role.

Family and advisers said there was no evidence of fraud

The 195-page document lists a number of times advisers and staff warned Trump that, despite his claims, there was no evidence of wrongdoing in the 2020 election.

According to the filing, three days before Election Day 2020, an adviser described Trump's plan as follows: He is going to declare victory. It doesn't mean he's the winner, it's just going to say he's the winner.

In another example, the brief explains that an adviser privately told Trump that he would not be able to prove his false claims of fraud in court. Trump reportedly responded: “The details don’t matter.

Elsewhere, Trump is accused of knowingly amplifying false information about the election and urging his allies to fight.

Trump publicly echoed these sentiments when he spoke at a rally called Stop the Steal on January 6, 2021. There, he encouraged his supporters to make their feelings known at the U.S. Capitol, located just a few miles away from there.

Soon, the Capitol would be overrun by a mob seeking to disrupt the certification of the Electoral College vote taking place there.

Special prosecutor Jack Smith filed an updated indictment after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Trump had immunity. [File: J Scott Applewhite/AP Photo]
Mike Pence also advised Trump to accept the result

The filing also contains instances where then-Vice President Mike Pence told Trump there was no evidence of election fraud.

It says that, during a lunch in November 2020, Pence told Trump that he should accept defeat and run again in the next presidential race.

I don't know, Trump would have responded. 2024 is so far away.

Pence ultimately played a ceremonial role in certifying the Electoral College votes, which determine the U.S. presidency. However, as January 6 approached, Trump pressured Pence to end the certification.

The brief argues that Trump's attempts to intimidate Pence continued even as the Capitol was under attack.

At 2:24 p.m., Trump was alone in his dining room when he posted a Tweet attacking Pence and fueling the ongoing riots, prosecutors wrote in the filing.

This social media post included the following message: Mike Pence did not have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our Constitution, by giving the states a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, and not the fraudulent or inaccurate facts that they were. requested to be certified in advance. The United States demands the truth!

A damning non-response

The election obstruction case contains four criminal charges, accusing Trump of conspiring to obstruct the proceedings of Congress, defraud the United States and interfere with Americans' right to vote.

Trump has pleaded not guilty in the case. This is one of four criminal charges he has faced since leaving office.

On Wednesday, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung attacked the brief in a written statement, saying: This entire affair is a partisan and unconstitutional witch hunt that should be entirely rejected, along with ALL remaining Democratic hoaxes.

Trump himself republished Cheung's statement on his Truth Social platform, adding in a separate post: I didn't rig the 2020 election, they did! He also blasted the timing of the memoir's release, shortly before Election Day in November.

Trump has continued to raise the specter of election interference in his current re-election campaign, reiterating false claims of widespread voter fraud. His assertions were echoed by his current running mate, Senator JD Vance.

During Tuesday night's vice presidential debate, Vance was asked about comments he made saying he would not have voted to certify Biden's 2020 victory.

When he tried to dodge the question, Democrat Tim Walz rose to the occasion.

That's a damning non-answer, Walz said. I'm quite shocked by this. He lost the elections. This is not a debate. This is nothing outside of Donald Trump's world.




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