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The United States will not extend the legal status of Venezuelan migrants who arrived under the Biden program

The United States will not extend the legal status of Venezuelan migrants who arrived under the Biden program
The United States will not extend the legal status of Venezuelan migrants who arrived under the Biden program


The Biden administration will not extend the legal status of tens of thousands of Venezuelan migrants who have been allowed to fly to the United States under a sponsorship program designed to reduce illegal border crossings, according to U.S. officials and internal documents obtained by CBS News.

The administration first launched the program in October 2022 to discourage Venezuelans from traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border by offering them a legal way to enter the country if U.S.-based individuals agreed to let them sponsor. It was later expanded in January 2023 to include migrants from Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua, whose citizens were also crossing the U.S. southern border in record numbers at the time.

By the end of August, 530,000 migrants had arrived in the United States under the policy, known as the CHNV program, according to government figures. They were granted permission to live and work legally in the United States for two years under an immigration law known as parole, which presidents can use to take in foreigners on humanitarian grounds. or public interest.

So far, about 117,000 Venezuelans have come to the United States under the CHNV policy, according to government data. The first group of Venezuelans who arrived through the program two years ago are expected to lose their parole status later this month.

Some supporters expected the Biden administration to extend the parole status of CHNV migrants, as it did for tens of thousands of Afghan evacuees and Ukrainian refugees who were also allowed to enter the states -United under parole authority.

But the Department of Homeland Security has decided not to offer Venezuelans parole extensions, or what the government calls “re-parole,” two U.S. officials told CBS News. The officials requested anonymity to discuss the decision before its official announcement.

Instead, Venezuelans on parole, as the government calls them, will receive notices asking them to apply for another immigration benefit or leave the country, officials said.

It is unclear how DHS will handle the cases of Cubans, Haitians and Nicaraguans, whose parole periods will not expire until early next year. Former President Donald Trump has indicated he wants to end the CHNV policy, as well as other immigration programs under the Biden administration.

Venezuelans may be eligible for temporary protected status if they arrived before July 2023. They can also apply for asylum, but this benefit is only available to those who can prove they are fleeing persecution based on their religion , their race, their political opinions or other reasons. Those who have U.S. citizen parents willing to sponsor them may be eligible for an immigrant visa.

DHS representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The decision to refrain from offering extended parole to Venezuelan migrants could leave many of them in legal limbo, without the ability to work legally and no longer exempt from deportation unless they fail to obtain another status. It is unclear whether paroled Venezuelans could eventually be deported, since the government in Caracas currently rejects U.S. expulsions.

The move also risks angering progressives and immigration advocates, who may argue that Venezuelans are treated differently than Afghans and Ukrainians who arrived in the country through similar processes.

But the decision could also ease criticism from Republicans, who have strongly denounced the CHNV policy as a fraudulent program that circumvents legal immigration processes established by Congress. That policy was suspended for weeks this summer as authorities investigated fraud concerns surrounding people applying to sponsor migrants.

The CHNV policy has been a pillar of the Biden administration's strategy to address unprecedented levels of recorded migrant crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border since taking office in 2021. It has linked the program and other process for migrants to enter the country. legally, with restrictions on asylum for those who cross the southern border illegally.

Following the promulgation of a partial ban on asylum applications in early June, illegal border crossings fell and remain at their lowest level in four years. The drop in illegal crossings of migrants eligible for the sponsorship policy was even more pronounced, according to federal data.

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