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How to apply for the PM internship program? Check your eligibility here

How to apply for the PM internship program? Check your eligibility here
How to apply for the PM internship program? Check your eligibility here


THEPrime Minister's Internship Program is an ambitious initiative designed to transform India's workforce by providing internships to 1 crore young people over the next five years. The program aims to provide young Indians with vital work experience, bridging the gap between formal education and the practical demands of the modern workplace.

PM internship program: Internships for a better future

At the heart of the Prime Minister's internship program is the Government's commitment to providing internships to students who have completed their studies, giving them the opportunity to gain real-world work experience.

The program is open to young aged Indians 21 to 24 years old. Successful candidates will have the chance to do an internship with The 500 largest Indian companiescovering sectors such as technology, manufacturing, finance, etc. The program will be rolled out in two phases, aiming to benefit 10 million young people during the first five years.

PM internship program: Financial support for interns

An important feature of the program is the financial support provided to trainees. Each intern will receive a monthly allowance of 4,500which will be transferred directly to their bank accounts via the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) system. In addition, companies welcoming interns are required to pay an additional contribution 500 of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds.

Additionally, the program includes a one-time financial aid of 6,000intended to help trainees cover initial expenses such as moving or accommodation. This financial assistance ensures that participants can fully concentrate on learning new skills and contributing meaningfully to their host businesses without being distracted by financial concerns.

PM internship program: Eligibility and Application Process

The program is mainly aimed at young people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Applicants must be aged 21 to 24 and have completed at least Class 10. Those from families with government employees or who are taxpayers are not eligible. Additionally, graduates from prestigious institutions like IIT, IIMAnd IISERas well as people holding professional qualifications such as California Or CMAare excluded.

Applications will be processed via a dedicated online portal, which will be posted online on October 12, 2024. Through this platform, candidates can browse available internship positions, apply and track the status of their applications seamlessly.

PM internship program: A strategic investment in Indian youth

The launch of the Prime Minister's Internship Program marks a turning point in India's employment and skill development agenda. By offering structured internships, the government is investing in the country's future workforce. The program also aims to support Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by giving them access to a pool of talented and motivated young professionals.

PM internship program: Gradual deployment for maximum impact

The internship program will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, which starts this year, 5 million young people will be placed on internship over a period of three years. The second phase will focus on training another 5 million young people on the following two years. Each course will last six monthsduring which participants will receive comprehensive training and mentoring from their host companies.

PM internship program:Skills for India's future

THE Prime Minister's Internship Program is the cornerstone of India's efforts to combat youth unemployment. By providing young people with hands-on experience in real-world business environments, the program ensures that they are not only employable but also well-prepared to meet the growing demands of India's growing industries.

This initiative is part of a broader vision to position India as a global talent hub. The government's commitment to creating a skilled and employable workforce aligns with its broader goal of building a Atmanirbhar BharatA Self-reliant India. As young Indians embark on their career journey, this program will play a key role in the future of the nation.

Key information on the Prime Minister's Internship Program

  • Launch date: October 3, 2024
  • Objective: Offer internships to 1 million young people over five years, with internships in The 500 largest Indian companies.
  • Eligibility: Elderly candidates 21-24; must have finished Class 10 or higher; families without government employees or taxpayers.
  • Exclusions: Graduates from elite institutions (IIT, IIM, etc.) and holders AR/CMA qualifications.
  • Treatment: 4,500 of the central government, more 500 hospitality companies.
  • Application Portal: Open it October 12, 2024.

This bold initiative heralds a new era for India's youth, equipping them with the skills and opportunities they need to thrive in an increasingly competitive and globalized market. Through this program, the Government of India lays the foundation for a skilled and self-sufficient workforce that will propel the country to new heights.




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