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Xi Jinping highlights achievements and 'rough seas' on 75th anniversary of People's China

Xi Jinping highlights achievements and 'rough seas' on 75th anniversary of People's China
Xi Jinping highlights achievements and 'rough seas' on 75th anniversary of People's China


Xi Jinping marks 75 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China

Chinese President Xi Jinping said Monday that the Chinese people will continue to make remarkable achievements and contribute to world peace and development. The statement was made during a reception at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), which officially took place on October 1.

In his speech, Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, noted that the Chinese people have made “remarkable achievements” in the 75 years since the creation of the Chinese Communist Party. founding of the PRC, achieving great economic development and social stability. According to Xi, these achievements have placed China on an irreversible path to “great national rejuvenation.”

The reception was attended by around 3,000 guests, including political leaders, military officers, representatives of other parties and public figures. Premier Li Qiang presided over the event, which was also attended by senior Chinese government leaders such as Zhao Leji, Wang Huning and Han Zheng.

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Xi Jinping took the opportunity to extend greetings to his compatriots in the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, Taiwan and overseas Chinese residents. He also thanked friendly countries and international allies for their continued support for China's development.

The central role of the Party and Chinese modernization

During his speech, Xi stressed that the central task of the Communist Party and the Chinese government is to transform China into a strong country and achieve “national revitalization” through Chinese modernization. He stressed the importance of the Party's role in the modernization process, defending centralized leadership and coordination of efforts of all sectors of society.

The president reiterated the need to follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, deepen economic reforms, expand the country's opening-up and promote high-quality development. He also stressed that the people-centered approach must be maintained, with emphasis on the well-being of the population.

Xi Jinping reminded that although China has made significant progress, the country will still face difficulties and challenges in the future. “We must remain alert to potential dangers and be well prepared to overcome uncertainties and unexpected challenges,” the president warned, adding that “no obstacle can hinder the progress of the Chinese people.”

National unity and regional prosperity

In his speech, Xi reiterated the importance of maintaining unity among the country's different ethnic groups and praised the contributions of citizens of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. He stressed that the “one country, two systems” policy is crucial to ensuring the long-term prosperity and stability of these special administrative regions.

Regarding Taiwan, Xi has categorically declared that the island is an integral part of China. He called for deepening economic and cultural ties with the aim of promoting peaceful reunification. The leader reiterated his strong opposition to Taiwan's independence movement, reaffirming that “no one can stop the wheel of history.”

Regarding the administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao, Xi reaffirmed his commitment to the “One country, two systems” policy, which guarantees a high degree of autonomy for these regions. He stressed the need to promote long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao.

A community with a shared future for humanity

Xi Jinping stressed that in an increasingly interconnected world, it is essential for China to continue to promote the construction of a “community with a shared future for mankind.” He championed the need for a multipolar world, with greater equality among nations and inclusive economic globalization.

Finally, the Chinese president highlighted the promising prospects of Chinese modernization, while calling for caution in the face of global and internal challenges. Xi concluded his speech by recalling that “people of all countries share a common destiny” and that China will continue to play a fundamental role in promoting global peace and development.

Challenges and alerts

Xi also warned of future challenges, referring to the “turbulent seas” the country could face. While celebrating the achievements of the past 75 years, the president stressed that China must always be prepared to face uncertainties, whether internal or external. US-instigated hostilities in the region constitute China's greatest external challenge.

The country's economic recovery, still affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the crisis in the real estate sector, has not prevented China from maintaining the highest GDP growth rates in the world. Xi said the government will continue to adopt measures to stabilize the economy, including structural reforms and incentives for high-quality development.

The United States, particularly under Joe Biden, has led efforts to contain Chinese influence, with growing geopolitical tensions reflected in international alliances. Relations between China and the United States have been marked by economic conflicts, such as tariffs and trade sanctions, as well as technological disputes, as evidenced by the case of Huawei.

Another sticking point is the South China Sea, where China's claim to sovereignty in disputed areas is generating tensions with neighboring countries and the United States. Taiwan is also a sensitive diplomatic issue, with the United States militarily supporting the island, which China considers part of its territory. Finally, the growing space competition between China and the United States reflects the militarization of space, in a context of contestation that goes beyond the Cold War space race.

Festive events

The banquet was one of several activities planned to celebrate the PRC's anniversary. The reception included a flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square, a symbolic gesture of national unity. Although this year's events were more low-key than the large military parades of previous years, they reflect a continued effort by the government to focus on economic recovery and the well-being of the population.

In short, Xi Jinping's speech reaffirms the vision of a strong and prosperous China, ready to face challenges and determined to maintain its position as a global power, committed to peace and shared development.




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