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PM Modi to speak at Kautilya conclave focusing on AI, green transition and global financial reforms

PM Modi to speak at Kautilya conclave focusing on AI, green transition and global financial reforms
PM Modi to speak at Kautilya conclave focusing on AI, green transition and global financial reforms


New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Friday address the Kautilya Economic Conclave, to be held from October 4 to 6 in the national capital.

The third edition of the Kautilya Economic Conclave will bring together nearly 150 Indian and international academics and policymakers to discuss issues faced by India and other countries in the Global South.

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The conclave, organized by the Institute of Economic Growth in partnership with the Finance Ministry, will be inaugurated by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday. Prime Minister Modi will participate around 6:30 p.m. and deliver a speech at the rally, an official statement said.

This year, the conclave will focus on themes such as reforming the international financial architecture, financing the green transition, geoeconomic fragmentation and its implications for growth, India and the middle income trap, employment and skills, artificial intelligence and public policy design. , and principles for political action to preserve resilience.

Those expected to attend include Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar, who will address the closing session; Finance Minister of Bhutan, Lyonpo Lekey Dorji; Prime Minister Modi's principal secretary PK Mishra; Masood Ahmed, President Emeritus of the Center for Global Development; Zaidi Sattar, founder and managing director of the Policy Research Institute (Bangladesh); Justin Yifu Lin, dean of the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University; Erik Berglof, chief economist of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary General of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council; Suman Beri, vice-chairman of NITI Aayog; Chairman of the 16th Finance Commission, Dr Arvind Panagariya; and Martin Raiser, World Bank regional vice president for South Asia, among others.

Some of the discussions over the three days will focus on how the Indian economy can create more regular jobs, how the rules-based multilateral system needs to adapt to avoid geo-economic fragmentation and how whose progress through multilateral consensus can be made possible.

Additionally, topics such as leveraging India's comparative advantage in AI, ML and Fintech for job creation; assess India's current growth trajectory and examine ways in which India can sustain its productivity growth by maximizing its catch-up growth and developing its innovation capabilities; explore the reforms needed to make the financial system more resilient and efficient; identify long-term reforms needed to achieve sustainable development goals; and the challenge of managing climate change and achieving an energy transition towards renewable energies will also be addressed during several sessions of the conclave.

The conclave will also showcase India's growing role as a bridge between the Global South. The conclave discussions will serve as a precursor to the upcoming IMF and World Bank annual meetings, COP 29, and the G20 Brazilian Leaders' Declaration.




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