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Visiting Kalabahi State Vocational School 1, President Jokowi examines school facilities, engages with students


President Joko Widodo visited SMK Negeri 1 Kalabahi, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province, Thursday, October 3, 2024. During the visit, the head of state inspected a number of classrooms and practical facilities owned by the school.

President Jokowi also took time to review various specializations in vocational schools, such as computer and network engineering, as well as commercial shipping. He also appreciated the school's teaching and learning activities which were considered interactive.

“I saw that students were asked to be active, as before for things related to computer networks, everything was used as a good practical lesson. “In the merchant marine department it's the same, there is a very good practice room,” the President said after inspecting the school’s practice room.

The President also highlighted the government's commitment to assist if there are any deficiencies that need to be addressed at SMK Negeri 1 Kalabahi. “For issues related to shortages, we will help you with a small practice space,” the president said.

After carrying out the inspection, President Jokowi had an interactive dialogue with the students on the school grounds. During the dialogue session, the president asked the students a number of questions about Pancasila and motivated them to continue studying diligently.

“My children learn everything well, work hard, study well, so that you can achieve your goals successfully and well,” said the president, who was greeted with loud applause from the students.

Meanwhile, Kalabahi State Vocational School 1 Principal Idalita Laure expressed in a separate statement her feelings of emotion and pride over President Jokowi's visit to her school. According to Idalita, she and her students did not expect President Jokowi to visit Alor and SMK Negeri 1 Kalabahi.

“When I learned that the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, visited Alor Regency and SMK Negeri 1 Kalabahi, I felt moved to the point of shedding tears. Alor is a very small area, view of the island on the regional map cannot even be read, but Mr. President can “mention Alor and visit SMK Negeri 1 Kalabahi”, said Idalita.

He also added that President Jokowi's visit to SMK Negeri 1 Kalabahi was a matter of great pride for the entire school community. It is hoped that this visit can stimulate the enthusiasm of the students and teaching staff of SMK Negeri 1 Kalabahi to continue improving the quality of education.

“We are happy and very proud to welcome your presence, especially since you want to see the learning process that takes place in the classroom. It is a very great honor for all of us,” said Idalita.

President Jokowi was also accompanied on the visit by Interior Minister Tito Karnavian, NTT Acting Governor Andriko Noto Susanto and Alor Zet Acting Regent Sony Libing. (BPMI Setpres)




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