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Dental health benefits of fluoride in water may have been reduced, study finds | Medical Research

Dental health benefits of fluoride in water may have been reduced, study finds | Medical Research
Dental health benefits of fluoride in water may have been reduced, study finds | Medical Research


According to one review, the dental health benefits of adding fluoride to drinking water may be smaller now than they were before fluoride toothpaste became widely available.

Researchers from the University of Manchester, the University of Dundee and the University of Aberdeen assessed evidence from 157 studies comparing areas that added fluoride to their tap water to areas that did not add fluoride to their water. .

Reviews found The benefits of fluoridation are thought to have diminished since the 1970s, when fluoride toothpastes became more widely available.

Fluoride is known to be effective in reducing tooth decay. The addition of low levels of fluoride to drinking water has long been considered one of the greatest public health achievements of the last century.

“When interpreting evidence, it's important to consider the wider context and how society and health have changed over time,” said Dr. said co-author Anne Marie Glennie. review.

“Most of the research on water fluoridation is more than 50 years old, before fluoridated toothpastes were available. Modern research now gives us a better picture of what the benefits are. It will give you a statue.”

Results from studies conducted since 1975 suggest that water fluoridation programs may slightly reduce cavities in children's primary teeth.

An analysis of these studies, which included a total of 2,908 children in the UK and Australia, estimated that fluoridation could reduce caries in primary teeth by an average of 0.24 teeth per child. But this estimate is fraught with uncertainty, and more recent plans may not have any benefit, the researchers said.

By comparison, an analysis of studies of 5,708 children conducted before 1975 estimated that fluoridation reduced the number of cavities in primary teeth by an average of 2.1 per child.

Cochrane review Regarding the effects on children's teeth, we could only draw the conclusion that similar results were obtained for primary and permanent teeth. There were no studies in adults that met the review criteria.

Another co-author, Dr Lucy O'Malley, senior lecturer in health services research at the University of Manchester, said: “There is evidence to suggest that water fluoridation may slightly reduce tooth decay in children.”

“Given diminishing returns over time, cost, acceptability, feasibility and ongoing monitoring should be carefully considered before introducing new fluoridation schemes.”

Proponents suggest that one of the main benefits of water fluoridation is that it reduces oral health inequalities. The study tried to investigate this and didn't find enough evidence to support that claim, but researchers said that doesn't necessarily mean it's ineffective.

“Water fluoridation may lead to small improvements in oral health, but it does not address underlying issues such as high sugar intake or poor oral health behaviors,” says the University of Dundee's Clinical Effectiveness Co-author. said author Professor Janet Clarkson. . “Oral health prevention programs can require a multifaceted, multi-agency approach.”

In August, US government report They concluded that fluoride in drinking water at twice the recommended limit is associated with lower IQ in children.

The 324-page report said it was inconclusive about the risks of low fluoride levels and said more research was needed. It also does not answer how high concentrations of fluoride may affect adults.




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