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Why Netanyahu and Putin both want a Trump victory

Why Netanyahu and Putin both want a Trump victory
Why Netanyahu and Putin both want a Trump victory


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin meet January 23, 2020 in Jerusalem, Israel. Photo: Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images

The outcome of the world's two biggest wars hinges on the U.S. presidential election, even though U.S. troops are not involved in any combat.

If Donald Trump wins the election, both wars will be much worse.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu both want Trump to win the US presidential election so they can prolong and intensify their brutal wars without the possibility of US interference.

Netanyahu waged his war on Gaza believing the Biden administration could not rein it in before the presidential election without risking serious damage to Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris's political prospects. Netanyahu deliberately sought to put Democrats in a bind between the conflicting policy demands of two components of the party's base, a progressive constituency dismayed by the war and a centrist faction that supports Israel. Netanyahu has thus forced the Biden administration to engage in a difficult balancing act: supporting Israel, while continuing to promote a ceasefire and the long-term goal of Palestinian statehood – a compromise position that outraged progressives while irking many conservative Jews. voters.

But Netanyahu also knows that if Trump wins, he will give Israel the green light to wage a far more brutal campaign in Gaza, southern Lebanon and the West Bank than under the Biden administration. Although Biden called for limiting Netanyahu's conduct of the war, he ultimately did not stand in the way of Israel despite a growing groundswell of opposition to the war within the party. It remains an open question whether this electoral pressure could eventually push Harris to impose more limits on Israel. But under no circumstances will Trump pressure Netanyahu to accept a ceasefire and will never demand that Israel agree to the creation of a Palestinian state. Trump will support Netanyahu's push for Israeli control over all remaining Palestinian territory. Many Israelis now want Trump to win in order to enable a more aggressive Israeli military campaign; a September poll found that 58% of Israelis would vote for Trump if they could.

For Netanyahu, the escalation of the war into a regional conflict against Hezbollah and Iran is also an October surprise designed to hurt Democrats' chances in the US elections.

Meanwhile, Putin's war against Ukraine will remain in limbo until the US elections are decided. If Trump wins, he will almost certainly withdraw U.S. support for Ukraine and Putin will be free to launch an even more aggressive military campaign. It is also likely that Trump will reduce or end America's commitment to NATO, leaving the Baltic states and other Eastern European countries under increasing threat from Russia.

The central role that US policy plays in Russia's war in Ukraine and Israel's wars in Gaza and Lebanon has been highlighted in recent days, culminating in the Iranian missile attack on Israel on Tuesday in retaliation for the assassination by Israel from the leader of Hezbollah. Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut last Friday.

Iranian missile strikes against Israel pose a serious threat to provoking a much broader war in the Middle East almost exactly a year after Hamas's attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, which triggered the Israeli invasion of Gaza. The Biden administration has stated that the United States supports Israel's defense against the Iranian attack, which included at least 200 ballistic missiles fired at Israel. But UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres warned of one escalation after another and called for a ceasefire.

The missile strike took place just after Netanyahu returned to Israel from New York. During this trip, he gave an activist speech to the United Nations General Assembly in which he vowed not to prevent Israel from increasing wars until it achieved total victory. As Netanyahu delivered his speech to the United Nations, he was actually speaking to American voters who go to the polls in just over a month. He wanted his message of total victory and his Orwellian concept of de-escalation through escalation to be heard loud and clear on the campaign trail, signaling that he would oppose any peace effort the United States might demand in case of Harris victory.

Meanwhile, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian president, was also in the United States last week, meeting with Harris and Trump. The Biden administration pledged $8 billion in additional aid to Ukraine, while Trump, who has repeatedly criticized Zelensky, pouted and nearly canceled a meeting with the Ukrainian leader.

When they finally met, Trump made a point of saying that he had a very good relationship with Putin. Trump's pro-Russian running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, also attacked Zelensky for visiting a munitions factory in Pennsylvania where the Ukrainian president thanked workers for supplying shells to the Ukrainian military. Vance was irritable because Zelenskyy visited the plant with the governor of Pennsylvania, who happens to be a Democrat.

In fact, it's no secret that Trump, Vance, and the MAGA sect that now dominates the Republican Party support Putin and want Russia to win the war and conquer Ukraine. Vance is part of the party's Christian nationalist base, which loves Putin largely because he has suppressed gay rights.

For his part, Putin views Trump as his puppet who will humbly stand by him as he conquers Ukraine and rebuilds the Russian empire in Eastern Europe.

Putin is once again working to help Trump win, and as he did in 2016, he is using the internet to do it. Russian disinformation intended to help Trump accelerates in the weeks leading up to the election. In September, the US government claimed that a group of right-wing influencers was secretly funded by Russia. Moscow has worked hard to amplify conspiracy theories and right-wing rhetoric. The spread of conspiracy theories about racial issues in the United States has long been a staple of Russian propaganda since the Cold War. But Russian disinformation is now more effective than ever because Trump happily echoes it, leading the docile mainstream press to write about it, creating a horrible echo chamber.

In the wake of the 2016 election, Russian interference in the presidential race to help Trump win became an explosive issue, leading to the politically polarizing investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, which made headlines newspapers for much of Trump's term. Today, by contrast, the Russian disinformation campaign intended to help Trump win again is taken for granted and has been greeted with a collective shrug from the American public. But if she succeeds in helping Trump win, the consequences for the United States and the world will be disastrous.

In fact, the reason Putin and Netanyahu won the election is simple: They know that with Trump in the White House, their ruthless wars can continue without even the threat of repercussions.




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