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Turkey celebrates Turkish States Cooperation Day on the 15th anniversary of the Nakhichevan Agreement

Turkey celebrates Turkish States Cooperation Day on the 15th anniversary of the Nakhichevan Agreement
Turkey celebrates Turkish States Cooperation Day on the 15th anniversary of the Nakhichevan Agreement



Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday underlined Ankara's determination to strengthen the Organization of Turkic States, as it celebrated the 15th anniversary of its founding.

“I congratulate the anniversary of the establishment of our Organization of Turkic States, which is our most important power in our fight against global challenges, as well as the Day of Cooperation of Turkic States. We will continue to strengthen our organization, which is the new center of synergy of the international system,” Erdogan wrote on X.

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan also commemorated the anniversary of the Nakhchivan Agreement.

“The Organization of Turkish States is a power that began with brotherhood and grew through institutional cooperation. We move forward with confidence towards our common goals in all areas, from economy to security, from energy defense,” he said.

Solidarity and common destiny build a stronger and more independent future for the Turkish world, he said, expressing hope for continued success.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry commemorated the occasion by emphasizing the unity of the Turkish world.

“On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Nakhichevan Agreement, the founding document of the Organization of Turkic States, we proudly celebrate the entire Turkic world on the occasion of the 'Day of Cooperation of Turkish States,'” he wrote on

The Nakhchivan Agreement, signed in 2009, laid the foundation for the creation of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), a multinational body dedicated to strengthening closer ties between Turkic-speaking nations.

The OTS, which includes Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan as full members, as well as Hungary and Turkmenistan as observers, focuses on strengthening the cooperation in areas such as trade, politics, culture and security.

Since its inception, the OTS has played a central role in promoting regional collaboration and shared cultural heritage. The organization has made significant progress in boosting trade between member states, supporting infrastructure projects, and advancing cultural initiatives aimed at preserving Turkish identity.

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