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Boris Johnsons claims Joe Biden told him he wasn't really Irish, fired by taoiseach The Irish News

Boris Johnsons claims Joe Biden told him he wasn't really Irish, fired by taoiseach The Irish News
Boris Johnsons claims Joe Biden told him he wasn't really Irish, fired by taoiseach The Irish News


Taoiseach Simon Harris has rejected claims by Boris Johnson that US President Joe Biden said he was not really Irish.

Mr Harris said one issue I certainly don't need clarity on is that Joe Biden considers himself Irish.

It comes after the former British prime minister wrote in his new memoir that Mr Biden told him privately that his family origins were linked to Kent rather than Ireland.

According to The Irish Times, Mr Johnson wrote: In fact, he (Biden) completely disarmed me by saying that his family origins were not Irish at all and that the Bidens were an old Kentish seafaring family (this which seems plausible, since -den is a common ending in Kent).

I suppose he will say something else in Dublin. But too bad!

Research has found that Mr Biden has links to Westbourne, West Sussex, England, but his Irish roots are more obvious.

He has links to Counties Mayo and Louth, something he has spoken about on numerous occasions and celebrated during his visits to Ireland.

He received a very warm welcome during his first official visit to Ireland as President last April.

He crossed the island from Belfast to Dublin where he received a standing ovation as he addressed the Dil before tracing his family roots.

Mr Johnsons claims were made in his memoir Unleashed, which is due to appear in libraries next week.

In the book, he looks back on his tenure as Mayor of London and Prime Minister from July 2019 to September 2022.

Taoiseach Simon Harris on St Stephens Green in Dublin
Taoiseach Simon Harris. PHOTO: BRIAN LAWLESS/PA

But the alleged claims about the US president were rejected by Mr Harris on Friday.

Ahead of his visit to the United States next week, where he will meet the President, the Taoiseach said he had no doubt that Mr Biden considered himself Irish.

There are many, many urgent and serious issues that I of course want to speak to the President of the United States about, including our diplomatic relations, he told The Pat Kenny Show on Newstalk.

I think one issue I absolutely don't need clarity on is that Joe Biden considers himself Irish.

I think Boris Johnson is a person who seems very good at selling books and I hope he is certainly much better at that than he is at politics.




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