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Donald Trump election affair: File details schism with Pence over 2020 loss

Donald Trump election affair: File details schism with Pence over 2020 loss


WASHINGTON (AP) Days before rioters roamed the halls of the U.S. Capitol threatening to hang Mike Pence, Donald Trump told his vice president that people were going to hate you and think you were stupid if he didn't succeed. not to prevent the certification of the 2020 elections.

The New Year's warning was not the first time Trump pressured Pence to overturn the election results. It wasn't the last either. In what became known as Operation Pence Card, Trump spent weeks publicly and privately pushing his vice president to help him stay in power after his defeat.

You are too honest, Trump reprimanded his vice president during that morning call on January 1.

After hanging up, the president tweeted to remind his supporters to come to Washington for the BIG protest rally just days before what would become the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the Capitol.

The exchanges between the president and his vice president, detailed in special counsel Jack Smith's court filing this week, show Trump's extraordinary efforts to overturn the 2020 election, even as he lays the groundwork to contest the contest this year, if he loses.

Pence is no longer on Trump's side and has refused to support Republican candidates' bid to return to the White House. Trump and his new vice presidential running mate, JD Vance, still refuse to accept the results of the 2020 election that gave the presidency to Joe Biden.

At a pivotal moment in this week's debate between Vance and Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, Vance refused to say whether he accepted the results of the last election. In a harsh retort, Walz said: “That’s why Mike Pence is not on this stage.

Much of the special counsels' filing chronicles the tumultuous months following the November election, when Trump was surrounded by allies including Steve Bannon, his former campaign manager turned podcast host, who is now in prison after a contempt of Congress conviction ordered his team to fight to keep him in office. The former president, indicted on criminal charges in connection with a plot to overturn the 2020 election, called the new case election interference and called for the case to be dismissed.

The day after the election, Trump asked Pence to look into allegations of voter fraud in states they had previously won, when they first ran for office together in 2016.

It was just looking at all of this, tell me what you think, Pence recalled of their Nov. 4 phone call. But he told me that the campaign was going to fight, that they would go to court and challenge this decision.

That weekend, with Biden projected as the winner, Pence tried to encourage Trump, as a friend, to consider all he had accomplished.

You took a dying party and gave it new life, Pence told Trump on November 7.

As the days passed, the campaign team gave Trump what Pence described as a sober and somewhat pessimistic report on the status of the election challenges they were pursuing.

Pence gradually and gently tried to convince the defendant to accept the legal results of the election, even if it meant he lost, according to the court filing.

Don't concede but recognize that the process is over, Pence told his defeated running mate on November 12.

Four days later, at a private lunch, Pence encouraged the president to accept the results and run again in four years. I don't know, 2024 is so far away, Trump responded, according to the filing.

In early December, a change happened. Trump was beginning to think about the role of Congress in the electoral process.

For the first time, he mentioned to Pence the possibility of challenging the election results in the House of Representatives, the filing said, citing a Dec. 5 phone call.

It was the start of an increasingly intense public and private campaign, orchestrated by Trump, that would descend on Pence in the coming weeks and, ultimately, raise concerns for his own safety. Some details are described in Pence's own book, So Help Me God.

Trump and his team of outside lawyers, led by Rudy Giuliani, developed a new plan after their legal challenges failed. It focused on seven states Trump lost, guided by a proposal from law professor John Eastman to create alternative voter slates that would claim the defeated president had actually won.

And they turned their attention to Pence.

They falsely claimed that Pence, in his ministerial role as Senate president, could decide on Jan. 6 which slates of electors to select, or send them both back to the states for reconsideration, prosecutors said.

They lied to Pence, telling him there had been substantial election fraud and concealing their orchestration of the plan, the prosecutor wrote. And they lied to the public, falsely claiming that Pence had the authority during the certification process to reject electoral votes.

Members of Trump's campaign team called the plan crazy and disparagingly referred to those organizing it as Star Wars barroom characters.

Trump told Pence of his plans for a rally on Jan. 6 and expressed the idea that it would be a big day, according to the filing.

While having lunch together a few days later, on December 21, Pence again encouraged Trump not to view the election as a loss but simply as an intermission.

Pence told the president that if they still failed, after exhausting all legal processes in the courts and Congress, then Trump should concede.

But Trump would not give in. On Dec. 23, Trump retweeted Operation Pence Card and began directly and repeatedly pressuring Pence, prosecutors said, and continued to summon his supporters to rally in Washington.

On Christmas Day, when Pence called the president to wish him a Merry Christmas, Trump told him that he had certification discretion while presiding over Congress.

“You know, I don’t think I have the power to change the outcome,” Pence said.

As January 6 approached, the days grew more and more desperate for Trump. The president ripped his vice president in the New Year's morning phone call. The next day, he asked Georgia's secretary of state to find 11,780 votes that could prove he had won the election in that state . He then told Pence that a senator would request a 10-day certification delay during the proceedings. You can make the decision, Trump told Pence.

Pence took five pages of contemporaneous notes during a White House meeting when Trump asked his team to outline the plan for Pence and said: “When there is fraud, the rules change.”

Pence told them: “I don’t see that argument working.

The conspirators were not deterred, the prosecutor wrote, and Trump continued to publicly pressure Pence.

“I hope Mike Pence comes to our rescue,” Trump said at a rally in Georgia.

Meeting privately in the Oval Office on January 5, the defeated president once again told his vice president: “I believe you have the authority to decertify.

While Pence remained unmoved, Trump threatened to publicly criticize him: I'm going to have to say you did him a great disservice.

This concerned Pence, the prosecutor wrote, and the vice president's Secret Service was alerted.

Trump called Pence later that evening, along with his lawyers, to again raise the issue of removing voters in the states. Trump reminded Pence late at night: You have to be tough tomorrow.

The next morning, January 6, before Trump took the stage, he called Pence again.

When Pence again refused the request, the prosecutor wrote, Trump was furious.

Trump reinserted remarks aimed at Pence into his speech. And Trump sent a mob of angry supporters to the Capitol.


Associated Press writer Jill Colvin contributed to this report.




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