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Helene's Suite | Donald Trump and Brian Kemp will be in Evans, Georgia

Helene's Suite | Donald Trump and Brian Kemp will be in Evans, Georgia
Helene's Suite | Donald Trump and Brian Kemp will be in Evans, Georgia


After a rocky relationship, Trump and Kemp are expected to deliver a speech Friday in Evans.

EVANS, Ga. After having a rocky relationship over the past two years, former President Donald Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp are expected to meet Friday in Evans, Ga., to be briefed on the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene .

Evans is a community in Columbia County, located about a 25 to 30 minute drive from Augusta, near the South Carolina border. It is one of the areas of Georgia hardest hit by Helene, a deadly hurricane that ravaged the southeast, killed at least 33 people statewide and caused more than $400 million in damage. economic.

RELATED: 33 Dead in Georgia, Gov. Kemp Says, Outlining Hurricane Helene's Huge Toll

According to a statement from the Trump campaign, the Republican presidential candidate and the Republican governor will deliver remarks together at the Columbia Performing Arts Center, 1000 Market St., Evans, at 3:45 p.m.

Kemp's office confirmed that not only will the governor be in Evans, but he will also be at the Lincoln County Emergency Management Agency at 1056 Global Drive in Lincolnton at 4:30 p.m. He will meet with local leaders and emergency management officials. He will also make brief remarks on the state's response to Hélène.

Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, candidates for the 2024 presidential election, visited the state to assess the consequences of Helene's accident in the region. Trump was in Valdosta earlier this week and Harris was in Augusta on Wednesday to get updates. President Biden also visited the Southeast to see the aftermath of the hurricane.

Kemp also traveled to different parts of the state in the aftermath of the hurricane. However, what makes this visit to Evans more notable from a political perspective is that Trump and Kemp are expected to be seen together. This is notable because of a previous breakdown in their relationship since the 2020 election.

That tension was especially on display at an August rally when Trump lambasted Kemp as “disloyal” and said the governor was only in his current position because of his own support when he was president.

RELATED: Kemp Provides Update on Helen's Recovery; President Biden's visit later today

“He’s the most disloyal man I’ve ever seen,” Trump said of Kemp. “But think about my wife…and now she said two weeks ago that I wouldn't support him because he hasn't earned my support…but I don't want his support, I I don't want his support. I just want them to do their job for Georgia, and you know what, he's the governor, he should support his Republican party because if he's not, if he doesn’t have his Republican Party, I can tell you where he came from, and it wasn’t good.”

Kemp responded to Trump's comments, saying his goal was to win the presidential election in November and “not engage in petty personal insults, attack fellow Republicans or dwell on the past.”

The Georgia governor concluded simply: “You should do the same, Mr. President, and leave my family out of this.” »

RELATED: Biden, Kemp approve Helene's disaster declaration for more than 40 Georgia counties | How to request relief

However, nearly three weeks after Trump was criticized for his comments at his rally, he has changed his tone. Kemp made an appearance on Fox News with host Sean Hannity and took time to say that Trump “needs to be re-elected” in the upcoming presidential election.

Following Kemp's message, Trump took to social media to pledge his support for Kemp, thank him and express that he looks forward to working with him in hopes of winning the 2024 election against Democratic candidate Kamala Harris .

Since then, it seems like the two are on the same page. However, it should also be noted that both presidential candidates put aside their personal and political feelings while accepting the devastation caused by Helene. For example, Democrat Kamala Harris thanked Kemp for his leadership during her visit to Augusta on Wednesday.

It's unclear what Trump and Kemp will say during their speech on Friday, but from a political standpoint, the move shows a sign of unity for the Republican Party as both candidates attempt to win the swing state of Georgia before the November elections.




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