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Bruce Springsteen criticizes Donald Trump for his support of Kamala Harris

Bruce Springsteen criticizes Donald Trump for his support of Kamala Harris


Bruce Springsteen was born to run and thinks Kamala Harris was too: The boss shared in a video posted to Instagram on Thursday that he was supporting Harris for president in the 2024 election.

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Filmed in a restaurant, possibly in the Garden State (hello to fellow New Jersey native Doug Emhoff, second gentleman), Springsteen said the press and fans asked him for support.

Knowing that my opinion is no more or less important than that of any of my fellow citizens, here is my response: I support Kamala Harris for president and Tim Walz for vice president, and I oppose Donald Trump and JD Vance.

Of course, the political leanings of American-born musicians are no secret: They appeared in an ad for Joe Biden's 2020 run, supported Hillary Clinton in 2016, and have spoken out specifically against Trump at numerous times, banning him from using his music at rallies. and calling him an idiot to boot.

In his message of support, Springsteen not only explained why he supports the Harris-Walz ticket, saying they are committed to a vision of this country that respects and includes everyone, regardless of class, religion, his race, his political point of view or his opinion. sexual identity. And they want to grow the economy in a way that benefits everyone, not just a few, like me, at the top, but they also took the time to destroy Trump with absolute surgical precision.

Donald Trump is the most dangerous presidential candidate in my lifetime, he said. His disregard for the sanctity of our Constitution, the sanctity of democracy, the sanctity of the rule of law, and the sanctity of the peaceful transfer of power should once again disqualify him from the office of President. He does not understand the meaning of this country, its history, nor what it means to be deeply American.

Springsteen called this election one of the most important in our country's history. This great country has perhaps not felt as divided politically, spiritually, and emotionally since the Civil War as it does now. It doesn't have to be this way.

The revered Grammy winner is just the latest in a list of stars who have made their choice of nominee known. Some, like Chappell Roan, who said, “Yeah, I'm voting for fucking Kamala in a TikTok after backlash to her previous statements, did so under duress, while others, like Shonda Rhimes, supported Harris the same day she was wiretapped. as a Democratic candidate. I was behind her in 2016 when she ran for Senate, I was behind her when she ran for vice president and I continue to support her today, Rimes wrote on Instagram on July 21.

Springsteen concluded his message by saying that Harris and Walz represent the vision of America that I have written about constantly for 55 years.

Now everyone sees things differently and I respect your choice as a fellow citizen, he said. But like you, I only have one voice, and it is one of my most precious possessions. That’s why, on November 5, I will vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Thanks for listening.




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