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Liz Cheney campaigns with Harris and condemns Trump's depraved cruelty | US Election News 2024

Liz Cheney campaigns with Harris and condemns Trump's depraved cruelty | US Election News 2024
Liz Cheney campaigns with Harris and condemns Trump's depraved cruelty | US Election News 2024


Republican Liz Cheney campaigned with Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and urged American voters to reject the depraved cruelty of her rival, former President Donald Trump.

“I have never voted for a Democrat, but this year I am proud to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris,” Cheney said Thursday at an event in the swing state of Wisconsin.

Putting patriotism before partisanship is not an aspiration. It is our duty.

His appearance with Harris took place in the small community of Ripon, where in 1854 the Republican Party was established.

When Harris spoke afterward, she thanked Cheney and said she was following in the finest tradition of Republican Party leadership.

She possesses some of the qualities of character that I respect most in any courageous individual and leader, especially at a time like this, Harris said. When there are so many powerful forces determined to try to demean, belittle and scare people.

Vice President Kamala Harris, left, shakes hands with former Congresswoman Liz Cheney in Ripon, Wisconsin [Mark Schiefelbein/AP Photo]
The former vice president also supports Democrats

The appearance by Cheney, 58, and Harris, 59, came a month after the former Wyoming congresswoman said she and her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, would support Harris instead than Trump.

As a conservative, as someone who believes and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this, and because of the danger that Donald Trump represents, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, I will vote for Kamala Harris. , she said in a speech on September 4.

On Thursday, Cheney reiterated her concerns about Trump, the de facto leader of the Republican Party, while giving full support to Harris.

Vice President Harris has dedicated her life to public service. I know she loves our country and I know she will be president for all Americans. As a conservative, a patriot, a mother and someone who respects our Constitution, I am honored to join her in this urgent cause, she said.

Cheney also explicitly referenced Trump's attempts to sow doubt about the integrity of the US election.

Following the 2020 presidential race, Trump refused to accept his defeat to Democrat Joe Biden, instead alleging that widespread voter fraud had rigged the results as a false claim.

As we gather here today, our Republic faces an unprecedented threat: a former President who attempted to maintain power by destroying the foundations of our Republic by refusing to accept the legal results, confirmed by dozens of courts, from the 2020 elections, Cheney said.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney's father, also indicated he would support Harris in the 2024 presidential race. [Patrick T Fallon /AFP]
Reject depraved cruelty

Cheneys' visit to Wisconsin came a day after a federal judge unsealed a 165-page court filing outlining new evidence against Trump in a case accusing him of 2020 election interference.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to four federal charges of conspiracy and obstruction.

While addressing voters Thursday, Cheney denounced Trump's unpresidential character. I ask you to meet this moment. I ask you to stay true to the truth, to reject the depraved cruelty of Donald Trump, and instead I ask you to help us elect Kamala Harris to the presidency.

During her congressional career, from 2017 to 2023, Cheney became the third highest-ranking Republican in the House of Representatives until she angered Trump and was forced out of her leadership role.

Cheney was one of 10 Republican members of Congress who voted to impeach Trump in 2021.

The move came days after thousands of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, in an alleged effort to prevent the certification of Biden's victory.

She was also the lead Republican on the House committee that investigated the January 6 insurrection. Trump vowed revenge on those who spoke against him, and in the summer of 2022, Cheney lost his Wyoming primary to a challenger who had Trump's support.

There was no immediate response from Trump to Thursday's rally.

Wisconsin is one of the few battleground states that was won by just a few thousand votes.

A New York Times poll currently has Harris with a two-point lead in the state.




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