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On the set of Aronofsky and Safdie Films in downtown NYC

On the set of Aronofsky and Safdie Films in downtown NYC
On the set of Aronofsky and Safdie Films in downtown NYC


The orchard returned to its trading roots this week, but only on a superficial level.
Photo: Adriane Quinlan

Benny's Burritos closed in 2014but this week it did appeared again in its old spot on the corner of Avenue A and East 6th Street. Only now it's a Hollywood set, the windows are wallpapered so cameras can't see 2024 bodega behind the facade. Down Avenue A, a version of Kim's Video appeared instead of a Japanese restaurant, the windows are covered in vintage posters and the menu is hidden behind graffiti. I wish it were real, said Ian Ullman, a neighbor who used to rent from Kims and stopped to take a photo of the new-old sign.

The new fake Kims was two doors away from the old real Kims.
Photo: Adriane Quinlan

An old-school Chinese takeout spot replaced the sleeker Banh Mi Zon on East 6th, Ullman's regular lunch spot. When he saw the strange menu, he feared it had been replaced. Fear coursed through my veins, he said jokingly.
Photo: Adriane Quinlan

The fake storefronts, along with the piles of old tires, chained bicycles, beat-up Honda Civics and trash marked NOT TRASH, provide a backdrop for Caught stealing, a Darren Aronofsky film about a baseball player sinking into the criminal underbelly of 1990s New York City, according to IMDbwhich stars Liev Schreiber, Zo Kravitz and Austin Butler. It's one of two films shot downtown this week that peel back a few layers of gentrification. The other is Marty Supremea project by Josh Safdie starring Timothe Chalamet moustached table tennis whiz. That shoot changed Orchard Street, between Delancey and Rivington, into a 1950s version of himself.

The chaos on Orchard Street Thursday, as a crew cleaned up after the shoot.
Photo: Adriane Quinlan

Thursday is the Marty The crew was cleaning up a set that included a fake brick entrance behind a new one glassy hotel of 16 floors. Across the street, the Wschd gallery had a new, dirty awning advertising it as Wechsler Barber Shop. Next door, the Orchard Express Tailor Shop was open as usual, despite an odd sign reading Waldman & Silverman Exclusive Haberdashers and a window display full of vintage clothing, men's knit shirts, rayon dresses and a sheath dress that caught the eye of Ellen Koenigsberg, who runs a vintage shop turned the corner and came in to get a pair of jeans. It's the sixties, she said about the dress. Not that the anachronism bothered her. It was all surreal fun.

A haberdashery has temporarily obliterated the front of the Orchard Express Tailor Shop.
Photo: Adriane Quinlan

Inside Orchard Express Tailor, it was business as usual, although expert tailor Juan Jimenez says sales are down about 40 percent this week. Customers might not have recognized the display out front: vintage shirts and a sign calling the place a haberdashery.
Photo: Adriane Quinlan

The film crew built the facade of a fake shoe store and painted graffiti as far as the cameras could reach.
Photo: Adriane Quinlan

Back on Avenue A, the fashion stylist Juje Hsiung noticed almost as soon as he stepped out the door that the neighborhood had become a fake version of itself. There were piles of tires, piles of bicycle wheels and piles of rubbish, all in bags of the exact same black plastic. There were piles and piles, and the piles were ordinary at Good.

The repetition of tapes on the underside of a mailbox and the repetition of stickers on the surface struck Hsiung as untrue. He was right.
Photo: Adriane Quinlan




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