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It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here’s what to watch – NBC10 Philadelphia

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here’s what to watch – NBC10 Philadelphia
It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here’s what to watch – NBC10 Philadelphia


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual global campaign to promote regular breast cancer screening and early detection.

According to National Breast Cancer Foundation1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime. This is the most common cancer among American women.

More than 270,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 42,000 die from breast cancer each year in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, with early detection, the 5-year relative survival rate for localized cancer that has not spread is 90%. According to the American Cancer Society.

The majority of deaths occur in low- and moderate-income households, where most women who develop breast cancer are often diagnosed in the late stages of the disease. This is mainly due to lack of awareness regarding early detection and potential barriers to accessing certain health services.

Although many breast cancer symptoms are invisible and difficult to notice without a professional exam, experts recommend monthly breast self-exams to identify changes or lumps.

Here's what you need to know about the signs and symptoms.

What are the breast symptoms and signs

  • Changes in the feel of the breasts or nipples
  • Changes in the appearance of the breasts or nipples
  • Any type of nipple discharge, especially clear or bloody discharge
  • Skin irritation, such as redness, thickening, and depression of the skin
  • swollen lymph nodes in the armpit

Everyone should know the symptoms and signs of breast cancer and should always seek medical attention if any abnormalities are detected.

American Cancer Society Recommendations Early detection of breast cancer in women with average risk includes:

  • 40-44 years old: Women should have the option to start screening with mammography every year.
  • Ages 45-54: Women should have a mammogram every year.
  • Women over 55 years old You can choose to switch to biennial mammography or continue with mammography every year.

All women should understand what to expect when having a mammogram for breast cancer screening – what the test can and cannot do.

What are the early signs of metastatic breast cancer?

Metastatic breast cancer (also called stage IV) is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, most commonly the liver, brain, bones, or lungs.

  • According to breast cancer.orgthe most common symptom of breast cancer that has spread to the bones is sudden, noticeable new pain. Breast cancer can spread to any bone, but most often to the ribs, spine, pelvis, or long bones of the arms and legs.
  • Breast cancer that spreads to the lungs often does not cause many symptoms. If lung metastases cause significant symptoms, they may include pain or discomfort in the lungs, shortness of breath, and persistent cough.
  • Symptoms of breast cancer that has spread to the brain may include headaches, changes in language or vision, and memory problems.
  • Even if breast cancer spreads to the liver, there are often no noticeable symptoms. If liver metastases cause symptoms, they may include central pain or discomfort, fatigue, weight loss or loss of appetite, and fever.

There are various treatment options for metastatic breast cancer, and new drugs are being developed every day.

How can I lower my risk of developing breast cancer?

There is no surefire way to completely prevent breast cancer, but National Breast Cancer Foundation It recommends that women do the following to lower their risk:

  • Stay physically active: Exercising regularly (20 minutes daily) is associated with lower risk of breast cancer.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Maintaining a healthy weight can help both men and women reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Do not smoke: Smoking, even second-hand smoke, has been shown to increase a woman's risk of breast cancer.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables: Many studies suggest that a diet high in vegetables and fruits (3.5 to 5 cups per day) and limiting red meat intake may reduce breast cancer risk.
  • Limit alcohol intake: Alcohol is associated with increased risk, so choose not to drink alcohol or drink in moderation.
  • Setting the screening schedule: Being proactive about regular screenings, such as mammograms, can help identify problems at an early stage when they are easier to treat.

For more information about breast cancer early detection, risk factors, treatment, recovery and free patient support, call the American Cancer Society anytime at 800-227-2345 or visit:

For more information about Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please see below.




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