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The Citadels Hockey Club is preparing for a season of growth and determination

The Citadels Hockey Club is preparing for a season of growth and determination
The Citadels Hockey Club is preparing for a season of growth and determination


With a wave of new interest and steadfast leadership, The Citadels Hockey Club is poised for an exciting season. Backed by the guidance of seasoned coaches and an experienced team captain, the Hockey Club goes beyond the typical expectations of a club sport. Whether it's the rigorous practices, the intense travel schedule or the electrifying atmosphere at the Carolina Ice Palace, Citadels Hockey Club continues to draw attention and support, promising a season full of potential.

Cadet Kyle Bomenblit, a member of the Class of 2025, is the hockey club captain, a role he has held since his junior year. Bomenblit has been playing hockey since he was seven and has been part of the Hockey Club since his first year at The Citadel. One difference he noticed this season compared to previous seasons is the general interest from newcomers.

This is the first year we've had tryouts. I had to talk to Coach McKenzie and 1st Sgt. Upbeat about how we had to deal with who we kept, who we didn't, who we kept on the practice squad, who was going to travel, that kind of thing. I never had to do that or even have that conversation, especially when I was at The Citadel. Because this is a group of guys from different places who came to school for reasons other than hockey, but now there is a lot of interest, Bomenblit said.

Although hockey at The Citadel is a club sport, they go beyond its normal duties. The Hockey Club travels to The Citadel like any other NCAA sport, with practices every week.

I would say travel is the biggest aspect of what sets us apart. Our fans enjoy coming to the games. It's one of those sports that everyone seems to enjoy going to, Bomenblit said.

It probably doesn't hurt that the Carolina Ice Palace, where the hockey club plays, is located outside the ten-mile radius, meaning cadets can wear civilian clothes while cheering on their classmates. Bomenblit said the team is grateful for the support, even on Friday and Saturday nights when their classmates could be doing something else. Their presence and encouragement boost team morale. His teammate, Cadet Kyler Kane, agrees that the crowd's support is one of his favorite parts of being part of the team.

It's a great feeling to be able to represent the school in something that the cadets really get behind. This is true, real support. It's always full and loud. And coming back to campus and being recognized, like Hey, you're on the hockey team, is pretty cool, and I'm very proud of that, Kane said.

The Hockey Club is led by Head Coach Joe McKenzie, and new to the team this year is Assistant Coach 1st Sgt. Garrett Jolly, USMC (retired).

Jolly, who is also a TAC officer at The Citadel, had previously coached high school hockey, and it wasn't long after he arrived on campus before players asked if he wanted to join.

I just kind of dove into it. I got a hold of Coach Joe McKenzie, and I was able to meet with him and get everything going. I play multiple roles, I am a team advisor and assistant coach. As a team advisor, I help with fundraising and finding different ways to obtain financing and come up with the money needed for ice fees and travel. “I want to help put The Citadel Hockey Club back on the map,” Jolly said.

In addition to fundraising efforts, Jolly's coaching philosophy focuses on one-word accountability.

It's all about accountability. Everything is in the details, and you have to get that right. Accountability is the biggest part, and really not just in terms of player development, but at the professional level and helping the cadets and students, Jolly said. I'm all about leadership and taking them to the next level, whether it's hockey or business or their future job, it's about growing them as individuals. That's what I love about The Citadel, the leadership and principled leaders it produces.

For Bomenblit, his strategy as team captain is to remain calm and maintain his patience. He is confident that his team can go further this season than ever before.

We're all here trying to have fun. It helps to know the backgrounds of the guys on the team so I know where they come from and I know how best to help them or communicate with them, Bomenblit said. I have to remind them what our job is, especially this year because we have a good team, a lot of guys, and there is a real chance for us to go far. During my sophomore year, we made it to the semifinals of the playoffs and lost in overtime. So all the sophomores and juniors know how far we can go. They can tell the freshmen that there's a possibility that we've done it before, and we're going to do it again.

Despite their hard work, the hockey club always finds time for fun. It's part of what makes them a family, both on and off the ice.

There is a place for humor in all areas of life. I learned that like a button, and it has continued to grow within the hockey team. There's a time for business, but there's also a time for fun, and I think we're doing a really good job of balancing that. “We have fun in the locker room, we have fun after the game, but once we get on the ice, it's all business,” Kane said.

The Hockey Club officially starts their season on Friday, October 4. To see their full schedule, click here. For anyone interested in supporting The Citadels Hockey Club, please visit this link.




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