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USA Table Tennis | USATT announces selection and election process for its Board of Directors

USA Table Tennis | USATT announces selection and election process for its Board of Directors


Eight of the twelve board positions will be determined by selection and election procedures implemented by the USATT Nominating and Governance Committee

(Colorado Springs, Colorado October 4, 2024) Table tennis from the USA (USATT) today announced the selection and election processes that will be conducted and overseen by the organization's Nominating and Governance Committee for eight positions on the organization's 12-member Board of Directors. Under procedures established by the NGC, four independent directors and one club director will be selected and appointed to the board by the USATT NGC; one director will be appointed to the board by the National Collegiate Table Tennis Association (a national organization); and two At-Large Board positions will be filled through an election to USATT general membership. The other four directors will be elite athlete representatives chosen by USATT's top athletes under two separate elections currently underway.

The terms for all twelve members currently serving on the USATT Board of Directors will expire on December 31, 2024. To create a Board with staggered terms in the future, the USATT Bylaws have been amended for the upcoming selection and election process so that there are two classes of Directors, Class A and Class B. The Class A Directors will consist of one At-Large Director, the Club Representative, the National Organization Director (NCTTA), and two Independent Directors. The term of Class A directors will begin on January 1, 2025 and end on December 31, 2026. The Class B directors will consist of all four Elite Athlete directors, one At-Large director and two Independent directors. The term of office of Class B directors begins on January 1, 2025 and ends on December 31, 2028.

Persons interested in being considered for selection and appointment by the NGC for one of the four Independent Director positions or the position of Club Director should register their interest with the General Secretary of the Board, Mark Thompson (mark.thompson@ by Friday, October 11, 2024 at 5:00 PM US Mountain Time.

Please note that USATT Bylaws 7.7 establishes the requirements to serve as an independent director on the USATT board. Under USATT Rules 7.6 (b)(2), an individual interested in being selected by the NGC for the position of Club Representative Director must serve on a board of directors of a USATT member club; a trustee of a USATT member club; or an officer of a USATT affiliated club; and must also obtain twenty-five signatures from USATT's general membership to be considered for the position. An interested candidate is not required to submit the signatures with the initial declaration of interest for the position. These signatures must be collected starting October 14, 2024 and submitted before October 28, 2024. The USATT Bylaws are available at the following link:

Persons interested in running for election to one of the two At-Large Director positions must meet the requirements set forth in Article 7.6(b)(3) of the Bylaws. The candidate must be an adult at-large member (18 years of age or older) in good standing as of September 12, 2024, sixty days before the registration date of the election (i.e., the date of the start of the election). , which will be November 11, 2024.

Persons interested in being placed on the ballot for the election of At-Large Director should submit their interest to the Secretary General of the Board of Directors, Mark Thompson ([email protected]), by Friday, October 11, 2024 at 5:00 PM US Mountain Time. Applications must include the name, USATT ID number, date of birth and telephone number of the interested individual and must also indicate an interest in serving as an At-Large Director.

After submitting the Declaration of Interest, a potential candidate must then obtain at least 25 signatures of support from the current at-large membership of the USATT and submit these signatures along with a one-page campaign statement to the Board's Secretary General. If more than two potential candidates submit between 25 and 49 statements of support, the NGC will determine the top two candidates to place on the ballot. However, any otherwise eligible adult who submits 50 or more valid expressions of support will automatically be placed on the At-Large Director Ballot. The signature collection process begins on Monday October 14, 2024and will close Monday October 28, 2024.

Voting for the At-Large Director positions will begin on November 11, 2024 and end on December 15, 2024. There will be one election vote in which the recipient with the greatest number of votes will receive the Class B At-Large position (term ends on 31 December 2028) and the recipient of the second most votes receiving the Class A At-Large position (term ends December 31, 2026).

The crucial dates for the election of the At-Large Director Position are as follows:

  • Friday, October 11, 2024 (5:00 PM US Mountain Time): Deadline for submitting candidate interests
  • Monday, October 14, 2024: Start of the signature collection period
  • Monday, October 28, 2024: Closing of nominations for signature collection
  • Monday, November 11, 2024: Ballot paper is published and distributed – Elections open
  • Sunday, December 15, 2024: Voting period ends
  • Monday, December 23, 2024: Certification of the elections

Questions regarding the selection or election procedures for the USATT Board of Directors should be directed to Chief Operating Officer and Secretary General of the Board of Directors, Mark Thompson ([email protected]).

End. 24 10-04




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