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How to prevent breast cancer

How to prevent breast cancer
How to prevent breast cancer


According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), more than 360,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Thanks to rapid treatments and advances in prevention, survival rates are higher than ever before, but what are the best practices for detecting and preventing breast cancer?

First, let's consider who typically gets breast cancer. Although people of either gender can be diagnosed with breast cancer, and both genders are born with breast tissue, cisgender women are 100 times more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than cisgender men. It will be expensive. Increasing age (over 55), genetic history of breast cancer or other reproductive cancers, and environmental and lifestyle risk factors also increase susceptibility to breast cancer. These criteria are explained in more detail below.

Understanding your breast cancer risk is an important step in the prevention process, as screening practices depend on your hospital's unique risk level. It is important to keep in mind that it is possible to develop breast cancer without any known risk factors. Approximately 60-70% of people diagnosed with breast cancer had no known contributing factors.and those with any risk factors did not develop the disease. This means that having a high genetic risk does not guarantee you will get sick, and everyone should consider taking precautions to the best of their ability.

What is my risk level?

Here's how to assess your breast cancer risk level:

screening: Breast cancer screening is not a one-size-fits-all approach and depends on your individual risk level. More advanced measures are recommended for people with known risk factors or a history of cancer. However, all adults should learn how to perform breast self-exams at home. This is a routine that helps detect and monitor changes in breast tissue texture, breast and nipple color, shape, and size that may lead to cancer. Learn how to self-examine.

For screening tests in a medical setting, the current recommendation is for most women to have their first mammogram or breast x-ray at age 40 and then annually or semiannually thereafter. If you have dense breast tissue, it may be more difficult to detect a lump with an at-home exam, making mammography even more important. Other enhanced screening options include chest MRI scans for people at high risk, such as those with certain genetic histories. Still, these are usually not offered to most people because of the potential for overtesting.

Genetic counseling: Less than 10% of breast cancers have a genetic predisposition, and not having a strong family history does not mean you are not at increased risk.

Genetic counseling can help people who:

  • A strong family history of breast cancer or other reproductive cancers such as ovarian or uterine.
  • Genes that are likely to have certain genetic mutations, such as the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

In contrast to mail-in tests purchased online, formal genetic testing and counseling should always be performed to understand the meaning of the test results. Your provider can refer you to a genetic counselor in their network. Click here for more information about genetic counseling.

Hormone history: Risk factors other than family history include:

  • Your hormonal history, especially your body's long-term exposure to estrogen (the reproductive hormone).
  • Menstruation comes early (under 11 years of age).
  • Late menopause (age 55 or older).
  • Never give birth or give birth even after reproductive age.
  • The use of some hormone replacement therapy may increase the risk of breast cancer.

If you are unsure of your hormone history, make an appointment with your primary care physician to discuss the details.

Once you understand the genetic and hormonal risk factors for breast cancer, it is important to consider lifestyle factors that directly impact breast health. When it comes to lifestyle choices, it's good to remember that “what's best for your breasts is best for the rest.” In other words, lifestyle habits that affect your overall health also affect your breast health.

Influencing factors to keep in mind

Here are some of the most influential lifestyle factors to keep in mind for breast health.

  • diet: Certain foods, such as ultra-processed foods (such as frozen pizza, fast food, and potato chips) and foods high in saturated fat (such as red meat and some dairy products), increase the risk of breast cancer when consumed regularly. Possibly. We recommend a diet that emphasizes leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and small amounts of healthy fats, but keep in mind that balance is the key to well-being . Rather than cutting out unhealthy foods completely, focus on fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed foods, and remember to enjoy the rest in moderation.
  • exercise: Exercise is great for reducing inflammation, improving overall cardiovascular physical health, and lowering your overall cancer risk. A general guideline of 30 minutes per day is recommended, and this can have a significant impact on a wide range of health and wellness.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol: It is a well-known fact that smoking cigarettes directly increases the risk of cancer, and there is no recommended amount for a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol consumption is also associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, and the more alcohol you consume, the higher your risk. As with meals, when consuming alcohol as a snack, it's best to enjoy it carefully and in moderation.

Breast health trends to watch

Thanks to continued innovation in early detection and screening, The 5-year relative survival rate for breast cancer is 99%—only if discovered at an early local stage. Not surprisingly, the most frequently asked questions in the breast health field are: What are the latest trends in detection and treatment?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an innovation in breast cancer detection and treatment. it is Especially used for reading mammograms. However, this is still under research and has not yet reached the stage of widespread use.

We've also seen an overall increase in health and wellness spaces being influenced by influencers. While social media certainly has valuable information, it's always important to vet the sources of health information you see online, including the expertise and background of the content creators. In addition to your medical team, you need reliable sources of information, including: American Cancer Society and National Breast Cancer Foundation Recommended for the most accurate and up-to-date information on breast health and cancer.

Our best advice for breast health is to know your risks and use that information. If you are of age or have risk factors that support scheduling screening or genetic counseling, ask your health care provider for a referral. Keep an eye on your breasts through at-home self-exams and be aware of lifestyle factors and changes that can affect your overall health. And finally, if you are newly diagnosed with breast cancer, see a specialist as soon as possible. Early detection and prompt treatment save lives.

Please let me help you

Our caregivers can help with early detection and screening for breast cancer. Make an appointment for a mammography test online today. Learn more about breast health and breast cancer treatment options. Christiana Care Tatiana Copeland Breast Center.




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