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Canadian child found bat in bedroom, dies of rabies

Canadian child found bat in bedroom, dies of rabies
Canadian child found bat in bedroom, dies of rabies


A child in Ontario, Canada, died of rabies after being exposed to a bat in his bedroom, Canadian health officials have announced.

The death was announced by Dr. Malcolm Locke of the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, who told councilors at Wednesday's board meeting that the unnamed child was exposed to the virus in the north Sudbury area.

“When they woke up, they had a bat in their bedroom,” Dr. Locke said, adding that the parents found no evidence of bites or scratches and did not give their child a rabies vaccine as a result.

This is the first case of human rabies in Ontario since 1967.

The boy, whose age was not disclosed by authorities, was taken to a hospital after the incident in early September, where he later died.

Rabies is a rare but deadly viral disease that is most commonly transmitted to humans from infected animals, such as bats, coyotes, foxes, and raccoons, through their saliva.

According to the World Health Organization, the disease can cause severe damage to the brain and spinal cord and is almost certainly fatal once symptoms appear.

Dr. Locke said the percentage of bats infected with rabies in the southern Ontario region he oversees has increased from less than 10 per cent to 16 per cent in recent years.

“Anyone who has been exposed in any way, [to bats] Seek medical attention,” he said, adding that even if bite marks are not immediately visible, people should seek treatment and vaccination immediately.

According to Health Canada, the Government of Canada's health agency, Cases of human rabies infection in this country are rare.

Since reporting began in 1924, there have been 28 rabies cases in six states, all of which were fatal.

Health officials said nearly all human rabies cases in Canada result from exposure to bats or to rabies while in another country.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fewer than 10 people die from rabies each year in the United States. This is a “dramatic decline” since the 1960s, and was driven primarily by prevention efforts, the Health Agency said.

According to the CDC, 25 rabies cases were recorded in the United States from 2009 to 2018, seven of which were acquired abroad.

As in Canada, humans are commonly exposed to rabies in the United States through rabid bats, which have been found in every U.S. state except Hawaii.

According to British government data, all cases of rabies in the UK since 1902 have been caused by infections that originated overseas. Since 1946, 26 cases have been reported, all involving people infected outside the UK.

In 2002, a licensed bat handler in Scotland died after contracting a rabies-like virus present in a small number of native bats. However, subsequent research has shown that bats pose little threat to humans.

The most recent documented incident involved a tourist who was bitten by a cat in Morocco in 2018.




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