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How vitamin D supplements can improve energy levels

How vitamin D supplements can improve energy levels
How vitamin D supplements can improve energy levels


You may have heard that vitamin D is important for bone health and that vitamin D intake is important. supplement It may be appropriate if you don't get enough naturally from sunlight or UV rays. Foods rich in D Eggs, fatty fish, fortified milk, etc.

You may have even heard that vitamin D has been shown to to improve cognitive function And to lower risk of heart attack.

It may be welcome news to know that vitamin D can boost your health. energy level.

That makes sense. cleveland clinicThe main symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults include fatigue, muscle weakness, and low mood, which can lead to feeling depressed and tired.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin found in foods, either naturally or fortified, or through supplements. National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. Additionally, when ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight hit the skin, they are produced within the body's cells, triggering vitamin D synthesis.

But whatever its source, vitamin D needs to be activated in the body. First the liver converts vitamin D to calcidiol, then the kidneys form a substance known as calcitriol.

When activated, vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the intestines, prevents muscle spasms and spasms, and promotes healthy bone growth.

Vitamin D also plays a role in reducing inflammation, immune function, and glucose metabolism.

What does science say about vitamin D and energy?

A significant amount of research supports the idea that vitamin D can help give you the energy to exercise.

Research published in journals medicine They compared the results of the two groups: fatigue and vitamin D deficiency. One was given a vitamin D supplement and the other a placebo. In just four weeks, the group given vitamin D experienced a significant improvement in energy levels.

Similarly, small study abroad from uk We've discovered that vitamin D is essential for making your muscles work efficiently and boosting your energy levels. The paper shows that vitamin D supplements improve muscle function and suggests that fatigue may be due to “a decrease in the efficiency of mitochondria, the 'powerhouses' within each cell of the body.” There is.

one Soccer player research Discovered a link between vitamin D and improved athletic performance. another found Vitamin D improved energy levels in recent kidney transplant patients. The researchers even if it is linked Chronic fatigue, fatigue and weakness in fibromyalgia due to vitamin D deficiency For premenopausal women.

Do I need vitamin D supplements?

Before rushing to take D supplements, experts recommend seeing your doctor to test for vitamin deficiencies and check for other medical conditions.

“If someone is suffering from low energy, my first reaction is to recommend a battery of tests before considering supplements,” says Dr. Elizabeth Sharp, an internist and medical director. Fusion of health and wellness Previously in New York City said luck. “Testing for vitamin deficiencies such as vitamin D and vitamin B12especially important for vegetarians. In addition, if other symptoms suggest a thyroid disorder, we will screen for thyroid disease and also rule out anemia or thyroid disease. iron deficiency. It is important to accurately identify the underlying cause to ensure appropriate and effective treatment. ”

Experts warn that supplements are unlikely to be effective unless you have a nutrient deficiency. Still, he says: Harvard University Newsletter“It's very difficult to get the vitamin D you need from your diet. Oily fish and fortified dairy products are the only important sources.” Analysis of the 2013-2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data It was shown that 92% of men and more than 97% of women receive insufficient amounts of vitamin D from food and drink every day. Therefore, supplements are likely to make sense for most adults.

Once you have decided that a vitamin D supplement is right for you, be careful when purchasing.

“Be wary of supplements that are much cheaper than other supplements or appear to be a bargain.” jolene brightonNaturopathic Endocrinologist, Author Is this normal?previously said luck. “These often use low-quality ingredients and, in some cases, are unregulated and may not actually be what is listed on the label.”

Consumers are National Institutes of Health [Office of Dietary Supplements] as well as subscription-based sources such as consumer labwhich investigates issues ranging from possible contaminants to whether supplements contain what they claim.

How much vitamin D do you need?

The recommended daily intake for adults up to 70 years of age is 600 IU and for adults over 70 years of age 800 IU. According to the NIH. “It's also important to get plenty of sunlight,” Breiten added. She also emphasizes the importance of testing your D level to determine what you need.

Experts caution against taking too many supplements. In rare cases, taking too much vitamin D can be toxic, as happened to an 89-year-old British man. people who died in march Partly due to vitamin D toxicity (although he had some underlying medical conditions).

Additionally, the Office of Dietary Supplements notes that vitamin D can interact negatively with some medications, such as statins and steroids, so be sure to consult your doctor.

Nutrition and supplement details:

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