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False claims about FEMA disaster funds and migrants pushed by Trump

False claims about FEMA disaster funds and migrants pushed by Trump
False claims about FEMA disaster funds and migrants pushed by Trump


False allegations that federal emergency disaster funds were illegally provided to migrants in the United States have spread rapidly in recent days, bolstered by former President Donald Trump and some of his most prominent supporters. view.

Trump repeated one of the most extreme baseless allegations at a rally Thursday in Saginaw, Michigan, claiming the money was stolen.

They stole money from FEMA, just like they stole it from a bank, so they could give it to their illegal immigrants who they want to vote for them this season, Trump said.

Trump and his allies appear to be confusing two different funds. FEMA has designated funds for disaster relief that cannot be used for other purposes. Separately, he was directed by Congress in 2022 to distribute Customs and Border Protection money to help communities that have received influxes of migrants.

These false claims have gained traction among Trump supporters and conservative media since Wednesday, when Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the agency would need more money for the rest of the season. hurricanes and for Helen's recovery, and called for a stable source of reliable funds.

On its specially dedicated fact-checking page, FEMA responded to the claim that disaster relief was diverted to support international efforts or border-related issues.

No money is diverted from disaster response needs. FEMA's disaster response efforts and individual assistance are funded by the Disaster Relief Fund, which is a dedicated fund for disaster efforts, FEMA said in its message. Money from the Disaster Relief Fund has not been diverted to other non-disaster efforts.

FEMA added: FEMA currently has sufficient funds to meet immediate response and recovery needs. If you have been affected by Helen, do not hesitate to seek disaster assistance as there is a variety of help available for different needs.

FEMA administered $640 million in Customs and Border Protection grants in 2024 and about $364 million in 2023 to cities and counties that receive migrants. However, this program called the Shelter and Services Program, or SSP, is separate from FEMA's disaster relief fund, which amounts to more than $20 billion.

The SSP was created in 2022 as cities struggled to cope with the influx of migrants. That same year, Congress ordered Customs and Border Protection to transfer $800 million to FEMA to support cities receiving migrants. The money was transferred to FEMA and, as with many other federal grant programs, FEMA managed the distribution of the grants.

For 2023 and 2024, SSP funds were awarded to cities like Denver, Chicago and Philadelphia, as well as nonprofits like Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army.

It is illegal for funds appropriated by Congress for one purpose to be diverted and used for another purpose.

Disaster funds are separate and used to direct, coordinate, manage, and finance eligible response and recovery efforts associated with major domestic disasters and emergencies.

With these funds, FEMA can fund authorized federal disaster support activities as well as eligible state, territorial, tribal, and local actions such as providing emergency protection and removing debris.

A spokesperson for Homeland Security, which oversees FEMA, said any claims that disaster funds were going to illegal immigrants were false.

As Secretary Mayorkas said, FEMA has the resources to respond to immediate needs related to Hurricane Helen and other disasters, the spokesperson said. The Shelter and Services Program (SSP) is a completely separate and appropriate grant program that was authorized and funded by Congress and is in no way associated with FEMA authorities or disaster-related funding streams.

Efforts to clarify funding have done little to counter a battery of claims about FEMA and migrants, ranging from misleading and lacking context to flat-out false. Some, like Rep. Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio, falsely claimed on X that FEMA used disaster funds to house migrants and that the government abandoned hard-hit areas. X owner Elon Musk, among Trump's most vocal supporters, reposted Jordan's and many others' false claims about FEMA.

Part of the problem for FEMA is the lack of a coherent federal budget. Congress has funded the federal government with at least four short-term spending bills over the past year, known as continuing resolutions, instead of a year's worth of funds. His last appropriations bill, passed and signed in March, funded the government through September.

We currently have immediate ongoing resolution needs. We have funds, but it's not a stable source of supply, if you like. This is a multi-billion dollar, multi-year takeover, the scale of a multi-billion dollar business and a multi-year business, Mayorkas told reporters on Air Force One, emphasizing that entire cities have disappeared.

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Thursday that President Joe Biden oversaw more than $45 million provided to people directly affected by Hurricane Helene. So far, 245,000 people have applied for financial assistance from FEMA, according to the agency.

Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for FEMA cash assistance programs, according to the FEMA website.

Mayorkas said that with hopes of another hurricane making landfall this season, FEMA does not have enough resources to cover the expected damage.

We are expecting another hurricane. We don't have the funds. FEMA doesn't have the funds to get through the season and what's imminent, he said.




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