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Biden unsure if Netanyahu is delaying Gaza deal to influence US elections | Joe Biden News

Biden unsure if Netanyahu is delaying Gaza deal to influence US elections | Joe Biden News
Biden unsure if Netanyahu is delaying Gaza deal to influence US elections | Joe Biden News


US President Joe Biden said he did not know whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was dragging his feet on a Gaza ceasefire deal in order to influence the US elections in November.

The question was asked directly of Biden during a White House news conference on Friday, just days before the first anniversary of the war, in which at least 41,802 Palestinians in Gaza were killed.

No administration has helped Israel as much as I have. None. None. None. And I think Bibi should remember that, Biden said, referring to the Israeli leader by his nickname.

And if he's trying to influence the election, I don't know, but I'm not counting on it.

The Biden administration has for months downplayed the possibility that Israel could intentionally delay such a deal, instead routinely placing blame for the failed negotiations on Hamas. He did so despite repeated reports that Netanyahu's position had changed throughout the talks, preventing any progress.

Yet some senior Democrats are increasingly wondering whether Netanyahu might have an eye on the U.S. election and former President Donald Trump's possible victory in his military calculations.

Trump has long been Netanyahu's preferred occupant of the White House. On the campaign trail, the Republican attacked Democratic candidate Vice President Kamala Harris over the Biden administration's inability to reach a deal.

I don't think you have to be a hopeless cynic to read some of Israel's actions, some of Prime Minister Netanyahu's actions, related to the US election, Senator Chris Murphy, a close Biden ally, told CNN earlier this week.

U.S. officials also told the Wall Street Journal in September that they did not believe a deal would be reached during Biden's presidency, which ends in January 2025.

Continued military aid

Biden initially said Israel supported a ceasefire plan he introduced in May, although Netanyahu appeared to quickly contradict that assertion.

In September, Israel's prime minister pushed back on a Biden administration official's assertion that 90% of the deal had been reached. Later that month, Israel intensified its attacks on Lebanon shortly after meeting with U.S. officials calling for de-escalation.

Since then, Netanyahu's government has ignored calls from U.S. officials for a pause in fighting and has stepped up operations, including limited ground incursions into Lebanon.

Biden also opposed Israel striking Iran's nuclear facilities following an Iranian attack earlier this week.

On Friday, he indicated that he also opposed any strike on Iranian oil facilities, saying: If I were in their place, I would think about alternatives other than striking Iranian oil fields.

Although Israel continues to flaunt Washington's public appeals, the Biden administration has for months avoided taking advantage of the military aid it provides to its iron ally.

Transfer of power may not be peaceful

Speaking at Friday's press conference, Biden also warned that Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, may refuse to accept the outcome of the November 5 election.

Trump had spread false claims that the 2020 vote was tainted by electoral malpractice. These statements culminated when his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to overturn Biden's victory.

Trump continued to raise unfounded doubts about the fairness of the upcoming election.

Biden said it was notable that Trump's running mate, Vance, did not confirm during this week's vice presidential debate that he would accept the outcome of the vote next month.

I am convinced that it will be free and fair. I don't know if it will be peaceful. The things Trump said, and the things he said last time when he didn't like the outcome of the election, were very dangerous, Biden said.




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