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Donald Trump attacked because of his commitment to the Confederacy: “They were traitors”

Donald Trump attacked because of his commitment to the Confederacy: “They were traitors”
Donald Trump attacked because of his commitment to the Confederacy: “They were traitors”


Former President Donald Trump's pledge to restore Confederate title to a renowned military base has drawn criticism on social media.

At a town hall meeting in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on Friday evening, Republican nominee Trump said he would change Fort Liberty's name back to Fort Bragg if he wins the November election against Vice President Kamala Harris.

The base was originally named for Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg, but was officially renamed Fort Liberty last year as part of a broader Department of Defense initiative to rename military installations with soldiers' titles Confederates.

Trump had opposed the move as president, but Congress overrode his veto to approve defense legislation that included the provision. Calls to remove Confederate symbols grew during the racial justice protests that erupted in the summer of 2020 after the killing of George Floyd, a Black man, at the hands of Minneapolis police.

“I walked in and the first question I asked was, 'Should we change the name of Fort Liberty to Fort Bragg?'” Trump said during his opening speech at the town hall, to loud applause . “So here's what we do. We're elected. I do it, I do it, I do it.”

Trump later pointed to his promise as the “secret to winning” the North Carolina battlefield after the crowd booed a man who identified himself as an active-duty soldier at Fort Liberty.

Donald Trump during a town hall event in Fayetteville, North Carolina on October 4, 2024. During the event, Trump pledged to rename Fort Liberty to Fort Bragg. Donald Trump during a town hall event in Fayetteville, North Carolina on October 4, 2024. During the event, Trump pledged to rename Fort Liberty to Fort Bragg. Logan Cyrus/AFP via Getty Images

“I think I just learned the secret to winning absolutely and by massive margins,” Trump said. “I'll promise you… we're going to rename Fort Bragg… This great soldier just accidentally said Fort Liberty and almost got booed.”

Trump's pledge drew criticism on social media, including from former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger.

“Public announcement: The Confederacy lost, they were traitors, despicable and disgusting and while we should study them to see how brain worms work, anything that honors the Confederacy should be removed,” Kinzinger wrote. “To hell with the Confederacy.”

Journalist Aaron Rupar called Trump's comments “beyond parody.”

Others suggested that many residents of North Carolina, parts of which were devastated by Hurricane Helene, probably wouldn't be thinking about military base names right now.

“Because what North Carolinians are most concerned about right now is restoring honor to an incompetent Confederate general who was disrespected by his staff and his men and who lost several times before be fired,” said Ron Filipkowski, editor-in-chief of the liberal media outlet. company MeidasTouch, wrote on X.

Myron Pitts, opinion editor of the Fayetteville Observer, wrote: “In case you're wondering: Bragg and other southern bases dropped their rebel names under federal law in a previous draft Defense Act (NDAA). The idea that Trump or anyone else would get DC lawmakers to not only defend the old names, but positively resurrect the Confederacy is little, if anything. “

Asked for comment, Trump spokesman Steven Cheung called the critics “anti-American idiots.”

“It’s time to cancel Kamala Harris’ DEI [diversity, equity, and inclusion]a wokification of our military that disrespects the men and women of the armed forces,” he told Newsweek.

Newsweek has contacted the Harris campaign for comment via email.

Some Trump supporters praised the former president's commitment.

“Trump is on fire,” wrote comedian Tim Young.

Another person wrote: “I spent years on this base and it's very personal and I think it's just a game changer. I'm glad he said that. Very, very happy.”




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