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Imran Khan supporters flood Pakistani capital amid blockades, clashes

Imran Khan supporters flood Pakistani capital amid blockades, clashes
Imran Khan supporters flood Pakistani capital amid blockades, clashes



Jailed supporters of former Prime Minister Imran Khan flooded Pakistan's capital Islamabad on Saturday despite police blocking roads and using tear gas.

Thousands of members of Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, who spent last night on the Islamabad-Peshawar highway, arrived in the city this afternoon.

Police resisted and fired huge tear gas shells and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters, while enraged activists also threw tear gas shells back at riot police.

The protesters were led by Ali Amin Gandapur, chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Later, Gandapur visited the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa guest house in Islamabad, where paramilitaries and police raided his official guest house and arrested dozens of his employees.

Arrest Reports Denied

“Rangers forcibly entered the KP house and launched an aggressive attack in an attempt to stop… Gandapur. This blatant abuse of power is deeply shameful and raises serious concerns about the state of lawlessness in Pakistan,” PTI said on X.

Opposition leader Omar Ayub Khan also alleged that Gandapur was “illegally” arrested at the KP's house.

But Pakistan State Television (PTV) quoted an official denying the arrest, saying categorically: “Reports regarding the arrest of Ali Amin Gandapur are false. »

In the morning, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi warned that the government would take all measures if the PTI protesters tried to enter Islamabad.

“We will not allow anyone to sabotage the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) summit in Islamabad when they (PTI) want to sabotage it,” he told reporters in Islamabad.

Naqvi accused protesters of firing tear gas shells at police near the Burhan Interchange on Friday, injuring more than 80 people, while police also arrested 120 Afghan nationals at a protest area in Islamabad.

Pakistan has also deployed the army to provide security for the SCO summit in Islamabad, scheduled for October 15-16.

The Punjab provincial government has also asked the army to help the civil administration in maintaining law and order in the province.

Mobile internet service in Islamabad and the neighboring garrison town of Rawalpindi was suspended for a second day while police also blocked all entry points to the capital from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and Rawalpindi, placing hundreds containers on main roads to prevent access.

The PTI demands the release of the imprisoned former prime minister, as well as “independence of the judiciary” and protection of the Constitution.

Khan, 72, is currently imprisoned in Rawalpindi and is seeking bail in several cases ranging from corruption to terrorism, charges he denies. The courts have already overturned two of his convictions and suspended a third.

The former cricket star was ousted from power in a vote of no confidence in April 2022.

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