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Global experts gather in Brisbane for academic conference on influenza

Global experts gather in Brisbane for academic conference on influenza
Global experts gather in Brisbane for academic conference on influenza


More than 1,400 experts traveled to Brisbane for the world's only academic conference dedicated to influenza.

Organized by the International Society of Influenza and Respiratory Viral Diseases, Option XII for Influenza Control was held over four days and featured new data and knowledge from the world's leading scientists and researchers.

Speakers from the University of Queensland also participated. Professor Paul Young and Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) Professor Bronwyn Fredericks.

leading virologist Associate Professor Kirsty Short From UQ Department of Chemistry and Molecular Life Sciences He was the chairman of the meeting.

Here she shares her top five takeaways.

1. H5N1 influenza and the dairy industry

“Australia is expecting the arrival of H5N1 influenza, or 'bird flu', this spring,” Dr Short said.

“While there has been much attention to the potential impacts on poultry, wildlife and human health, there has been little discussion of what this means for Australia's $6 billion dairy cattle industry. .

“This year, the H5N1 virus was confirmed in dairy cows in the United States, as well as multiple cases of human infection.

“At the meeting, we heard from US experts that this virus targets the mammary glands of cows and sheds large amounts of virus into the milk, impacting people who consume unpasteurized milk. ”

2. Long-lasting new coronavirus

“The causes of prolonged COVID-19 infection are still unknown, and there are no appropriate diagnostic guidelines or treatments,” Dr. Short said.

“Among the new data presented at the conference was a significant link between viral persistence and long-term coronavirus symptoms.

“I have also heard that markers of the body's immune response can be used to diagnose chronic diseases.

“Some experts have suggested that long-term COVID-19 may actually represent an umbrella term and that we need to start thinking of it as a range of different conditions. Masu.”

3. Indigenous Respiratory Virus Health Status

“The Commonwealth Government has recently made advancing the knowledge systems of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples a national science focus,” Dr Short said.

“This is critical because we know Indigenous peoples are experiencing a disproportionate burden of disease during the viral pandemic.

“The meeting heard that one of the reasons for this is the high prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and kidney disease, which are known to increase viral diseases.

Therefore, addressing these non-communicable diseases in indigenous communities will go a long way in reducing the burden of infectious diseases. ”

4. New influenza vaccine

“The conference featured several presentations on new influenza vaccine technologies,” Dr. Short said.

“We are seeing some very promising results from mRNA vaccine trials.

“We also heard an update on the development of a skin patch to provide a no-injection influenza vaccine.

“This is definitely an exciting time for research in this area, and we look forward to advancing these new technologies to the clinical stage.”

5. RSV vaccines and treatments

“Last year saw the introduction of a vaccine against RSV, an illness that causes severe respiratory illness in the very young and very old,” Dr. Short said.

“They contain antibody cocktails Nilsevimab It can be given to protect newborns in the first year of life.

“The conference reported impressive results for vaccines being administered in Europe, including a significant reduction in infant hospitalizations due to respiratory syncytial virus.

“In Australia Nilsevimab It is currently available to infants and children through programs run by several countries, but data from overseas shows there is a strong argument for it to be made more widely available. ”

Dr Short said the OPTIONS XII conference confirmed Australia's reputation as a scientific leader.

“We are known globally for our strengths in immunology, vaccine development and influenza research, and Brisbane in particular is on an exciting trajectory.”




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