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Supporters of jailed former prime minister rally in Pakistan despite police crackdown | News of the demonstrations

Supporters of jailed former prime minister rally in Pakistan despite police crackdown | News of the demonstrations
Supporters of jailed former prime minister rally in Pakistan despite police crackdown | News of the demonstrations


Protesters are gathering to demand that Imran Khan be released from prison despite a ban on protests and police crackdown.

Supporters of former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan rallied in Islamabad to demand Khan's release as police blocked roads, cut mobile internet and fired tear gas to deter protesters.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party on Saturday claimed that party chief of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (KPK), Ali Amin Gandapur, was kidnapped and illegally detained. But Al Jazeera could not independently verify this claim.

Gandapur, the chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, led thousands of protesters who camped on the Islamabad-Peshwar highway on Friday evening. Police used fizzy tea while trying to enter the city.

It is the latest in a series of protests by supporters of the opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, which has faced a crackdown by authorities.

The PTI, which says the protest in Islamabad lasts only a day, also held a rally in the eastern city of Lahore on Saturday, where a road lockdown was in place.

I am so proud of all our people, said a message from Khan posted on social media site X on Saturday afternoon.

Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi accused the protesters of clashing with police. More than 80 police officers were injured during the clashes, he said.

Naqvi had previously called on the PTI to delay any gatherings until diplomatic engagements in the city are over, including a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on October 15-16 that will be attended by delegations including from China, Russia and India.

PTI activists began driving to Islamabad from its power base in the country's northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Friday, but encountered roadblocks of shipping containers and volleys of tear gas.

Naqvi said authorities had intelligence that protesters were planning to disrupt the SCO conference in an attempt to attract attention.

We cannot allow this. I will tell them once again: do not cross more red lines, do not force us to take extreme measures, Naqvi said.

A worrying repression

Amnesty International said communications blackouts and road blocks undermine people's rights to freedom of expression, access to information, peaceful assembly and movement.

The restrictions are part of a worrying crackdown on the right to protest in Pakistan, the rights organization said.

Social media site

Khan, 72, served as prime minister from 2018 to 2022, when he was removed in a parliamentary vote of no confidence after falling out with the powerful military, widely seen as Pakistan's political kingmaker.

He was jailed in August last year on several charges. Although his conviction has been overturned or suspended in most cases, he remains in prison and faces trial in other cases that he says were orchestrated to prevent his return to power.

Khan was not allowed to run in the February elections, which the PTI claims were rigged. Several other countries have expressed serious concerns about the fairness of the vote, but Pakistan's election authorities have denied the accusations.

Last month, several PTI lawmakers were arrested on the premises of Pakistan's parliament.




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