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US security officials warn of potential threats surrounding October 7

US security officials warn of potential threats surrounding October 7
US security officials warn of potential threats surrounding October 7



The first anniversary of Hamas' deadly terrorist attack on Israel and ongoing unrest in the Middle East could serve as motivation for violence by extremists, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security said in an announcement Friday. joint public.

Although it does not identify any specific or credible threats to the United States, the advisory comes ahead of Monday's anniversary of the October 7 attack in Israel and calls from foreign terrorist groups for violence against West, the agencies said.

The notice also comes as Israel carries out deadly strikes against Hezbollah headquarters in Lebanon and considers a response to Iran's recent ballistic missile attack.

As CNN reported, police departments across the country have increased patrols around Jewish and Muslim institutions in response to recent tensions in the Middle East, the upcoming October 7 anniversary and major Jewish holidays.

New York police increased patrols Monday, a police source told CNN. These are expected to be maintained throughout the next two weeks. The NYPD will also partner with state police for explosives detection missions on bridges and tunnels, and helicopters will be used for radiation detection, the source said.

And the Los Angeles Police Department said last week that its beefed-up patrols would include an increased number of field officers, command post vehicles and mounted units.

Police in Chicago, Miami and Philadelphia have also stepped up patrols.

In their joint statement Friday, the FBI and DHS said: Jewish, Muslim, or Arab institutions, including synagogues, mosques/Islamic centers, community centers, and large public gatherings, such as memorials, vigils, or others lawful protests, provide attractive targets for violent attacks or hoax threats from a variety of threat actors, including violent extremists and perpetrators of hate crimes.

Be aware of your surroundings at all times and report suspicious activities to authorities, the statement added.

The agencies believe that foreign terrorist organizations will likely continue to exploit narratives surrounding hostilities involving Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, in order to incite lone attackers to violence in the United States.

The so-called lone wolves, who are not officially part of a terrorist group, pose a particularly serious challenge to law enforcement, security sources have previously told CNN.

A group of terrorists communicating with each other offers various opportunities for exploitation using our surveillance capabilities, one source said, but highlighted the more difficult task of detecting a lone individual who cannot communicate his attack plans to anyone.




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