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Trump falsely touts support from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon | Donald Trump

Trump falsely touts support from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon | Donald Trump
Trump falsely touts support from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon | Donald Trump


Donald Trump's social media post showing purported support for the presidency from JP Morgan Chief Executive Jamie Dimon, one of Wall Street's most influential investment bankers, is false, confirmed Friday a representative.

The Truth Social posts what appears to be a screenshot of a tweet with a siren emoji and text claiming that Dimon supported Trump, with a photo of Dimon appearing Friday at 1:56 p.m. ET, as Trump was flying to Augusta, Georgia, for a campaign. event.

But Dimon did not endorse Trump or lend support to the 2024 presidential race, according to a JPMorgan Chase spokesperson. And Dimon made no financial contributions to the Trump campaign or Trump's Democratic rival, Kamala Harris.

The bank's instant denial did not lead Trump to delete the post, which has more than 3,500 reposts and more than 11,000 likes, although he distanced himself from the claim when confronted about it. subject after landing in Augusta.

I don't know, Trump said. When a reporter noted that he had posted it on his social media platform, Trump suggested that one of his aides had posted the claim.

When the reporter pressed him for comment, Trump responded, “I don't know, was it him or not?” And when a reporter told him that a bank spokesperson confirmed it was false, Trump evaded responsibility: Well, then, someone is using his name.

Trump greets business leaders alongside Dimon at the White House in 2017. Photograph: Michael Reynolds/EPA

The post is the latest in a series of false claims made by Trump in recent weeks, which have become increasingly brazen with less than four weeks until the November election and occurring at a greater rate.

At least part of the reason for the rise in lies is Trump's obsession with news and posts about himself, and his impulse to repost anything politically positive for him without regard for its veracity.

But Dimon's false claim stands out because of its importance to Trump, who has long admired Dimon's success and reportedly covets recognition from his peers at a time when he has struggled to gain celebrity support compared to Harris , which has received support from the likes of Taylor Swift. .

The Trump campaign had hoped that Dimon might speak at the Republican National Convention in July, according to sources familiar with the matter, but he ultimately did not accept the invitation.

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Dimon is particularly notable in the field of corporate finance for his tenure at JP Morgan, which became the largest bank in the United States after leading the acquisition of troubled banks Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual during the 2008 financial crisis .

As a result, Trump was pleased when Dimon made some compliments about the Trump administration's economic policies during an interview with CNBC at the World Economic Summit in Davos, Switzerland.

Take a step back, be honest. He was mostly right on NATO, somewhat right on immigration, Dimon said in January. It has developed the economy quite well. The commercial tax reform worked. He was right about part of China.

Trump and his allies largely agreed with Dimons' comments. This year, Trump suggested he would consider making Dimon his Treasury secretary if he won the election, but he later retracted the offer.




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