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Chronicles of Victory: October 6, 2020

Chronicles of Victory: October 6, 2020
Chronicles of Victory: October 6, 2020


BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 6. The Azerbaijani army launched a counter-offensive operation, later called “Iron Fist”, on September 27, 2020, in response to the large-scale provocation of the Armenian armed forces along the front line, Trend reports.

The Second Karabakh War, which lasted 44 days, ended with the liberation of Azerbaijani territories from almost 30 years of Armenian occupation.

Trend presents the chronicle of the 11th day of the Second Karabakh War:

– President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gave an interview to the Russian TV channel “Perviy Kanal”.

– President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received a delegation led by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Trkiye Mevlut Cavusoglu.

– The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan reported that as a result of precise fire by the Azerbaijani army, the central ammunition depot located in the settlement of Ballija was destroyed. In addition, two BM-21 combat vehicles as part of the Grad field reactive system and D-20 artillery units belonging to the Armenian Armed Forces were destroyed during battles in different directions of the front.

– Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, said that the duty of every respected state is to support Azerbaijan's struggle for the liberation of its occupied territories.

– The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan shared images of the village of Shakhyrly, Jabrayil district, liberated from Armenian occupation.

– The Ministry of Defense published a video of the armored vehicles of the Armenian Armed Forces captured as trophies.

– As a result of the shelling of the Aghdam region by the Armenian armed forces, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan was injured.

– The Parliament of Azerbaijan approved the return of the historical name Sugovushan to the village of Madagiz recently liberated from Armenian occupation.

– Azerbaijani Defense Minister Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov said at a special meeting that if Armenia uses the Iskander complexes, adequate retaliatory measures will be taken.

– The State Security Service carried out radio interception of negotiations of terrorists participating in military operations against Azerbaijan.

– During the counter-offensive of the Azerbaijani army, two more terrorists – mercenaries who fought alongside the Armenian armed forces – were neutralized.

– Armenian armed forces fired on the territory of Evlakh, Goranboy and Beylagan districts.

– The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan shared images of armored vehicles of the Armenian Armed Forces captured by the Azerbaijani army.

– The ammunition depot located in the Ballija settlement was destroyed as well as the manpower. Unable to withstand the onslaught of the Azerbaijani army's counter-offensive, Armenian soldiers left their combat positions and fled.

– The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan released new images of the post and captured Armenian trophies.




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