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Trump returns to Butler, Pennsylvania. nearly 3 months after assassination attemptExBulletin

Trump returns to Butler, Pennsylvania. nearly 3 months after assassination attemptExBulletin


Former President Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate, arrives at a campaign rally on the grounds of the Butler Farm Show in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday. Evan Vucci/AP .

switch captionEvan Vucci/AP

The July 13 assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump was a recurring theme at a Trump campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Trump returned to speak on the grounds of the Butler Farm Show in the small Pennsylvania town where, nearly three months ago, a gunman's bullets grazed the ear of the Republican presidential candidate, killed one rally participant and injured two others.

“Exactly 12 weeks ago tonight, on this very ground, a cold-blooded assassin aimed to silence me and silence the greatest movement, MAGA, in the history of our country,” said Trump in one of his many references to his close president. experience of death. “But by the hand of Providence and the grace of God, this villain failed to achieve his goal, did not approach. He did not stop our movement, he did not break our spirit “It has not shaken our unwavering determination to save America from the evils of poverty, hatred and destruction.”

Speaking behind transparent screens due to increased security, Trump honored Corey Comperatore, the man who was fatally shot at Trump's rally in July, with a moment of silence. The bells rang and tenor Christopher Macchio sang Franz Schubert's “Ave Maria,” a piece often performed at funerals. Trump also expressed his thanks to the Secret Service team and medical professionals who came to his aid.

Crowds waited for hours in sunny Pennsylvania to hear Trump speak. Their cries of “Fight!” Fight! Fight! punctuated the action on stage.

Other speakers at the event also referenced the July 13 shooting.

Eric Trump appeared to blame the assassination attempt on his father's political opponents: “They tried to kill him,” Trump's son said. “And that’s because the Democratic Party can’t do anything right.”

Elon Musk focused on Trump's courage: “The true test of a person's character is how they perform under fire,” the billionaire entrepreneur said. “We had a president who couldn't walk up a flight of stairs and another who shook his fist after being shot.”

Beyond references to the July shooting, Trump's speech focused on many of his usual talking points, including ending illegal immigration and the importance of fossil fuels to the U.S. economy (” We're going to drill, baby, drill!” and his plan to make the country a “manufacturing superpower”.

He also twice reiterated his plan to “keep men away from women’s sport” on the grounds that it is “so humiliating for women”.




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