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PM Modi slams Congress for Delhi drug trade, says party pushes youth into addiction

PM Modi slams Congress for Delhi drug trade, says party pushes youth into addiction
PM Modi slams Congress for Delhi drug trade, says party pushes youth into addiction


Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed the Congress party on Saturday (October 5) during a visit to Washim district in the Indian state of Maharashtra over the recent seizure of drugs worth Rs 5,600 crore rupees in Delhi. He claimed the party sought to drive the country's youth into drug addiction and use the profits to fund election campaigns.

Addressing the crowd in Maharashtra, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Prime Minister Modi said, “Drugs worth thousands of millions of dollars have been recovered from Delhi. The main accused in this drug trade is a Congress leader. Congress wants to push young people towards drugs. and use that money to contest and win elections. »

Earlier in the week, Delhi Police made headlines for one of the biggest ever drug busts in the city, seizing over 560 kilograms of cocaine as well as 40 kilograms of hydroponic marijuana. The total value of these drugs is estimated to be around Rs 5,600 crore.

The police operation resulted in the arrest of four individuals in Mahipalpur in south Delhi. Among those apprehended are the main distributor, Tushar Goyal, as well as his associates Himanshu Kumar, Aurangzeb Siddiqui and Bharat Kumar Jain.

According to reports, Goyal's Facebook profile includes a photo with a tiger and his bio claims that he is the “President of the Delhi Pradesh RTI Cell of DYPC, the Indian Youth Congress”.

However, the Indian Youth Congress, in a statement, said Goyal was expelled from the organization on October 17, 2022 for engaging in activities contrary to the interests of the party.

Modi urged the public to oppose what he called the Congress's “dangerous agenda.” “They (Congress) think that if we all come together, then their agenda to divide the country will fail,” he said.

The Prime Minister also said that the attitude of the Congress party has always been alien. “Just like the British regime, the Congress family also does not consider Dalits, backward communities and tribals as their equals,” he said.

During the event, PM Modi inaugurated a number of important projects, including those for agriculture and livestock, with a combined value of around Rs 23,300 crore. Among these initiatives, he launched 9,200 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), collectively worth Rs 1,300 crore, aimed at improving the lives of farmers.

(With contribution from agencies)

Prapti Upadhyay

Prapti Upadhyay

Prapti Upadhayay is a New Delhi-based journalist who reports on key developments in Indian news and world affairs, with a particular focus on US politics. When not





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