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Time has stopped, Trump says at assassination attempt site

Time has stopped, Trump says at assassination attempt site
Time has stopped, Trump says at assassination attempt site


Donald Trump returns to Butler assassination attempt

Nearly three months after an assassin's bullet nearly took his life, former President Donald Trump returned to Butler, Pennsylvania – a place of “tragedy and heartbreak” – to promise his supporters victory in the presidential election of November 5.

One person — a volunteer fire chief — was killed in the July 13 shooting, which also left two bystanders seriously injured and Trump shot in the ear.

For 15 seconds, time stood still, Trump told the crowd. This vicious monster unleashed evil, the villain failed to achieve his goal.

However, for Saturday's rally, security was tight — due to increased Secret Service surveillance following two attempts on Trump's life — most recently last month at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Also present were Trump's running mate JD Vance, as well as his son Eric Trump, daughter-in-law Lara Trump and tech billionaire Elon Musk, who supported Trump after the earlier shooting.

Trump largely stuck to familiar talking points during his speech, lashing out at the corrupt system, promising to restore respect for U.S. foreign policy and pledging to close the open border, which he said , is a source of crime.

You deserve a government that protects and respects its own citizens and defends your sovereignty, your security, your dignity and your freedom, he told thousands of people gathered at the Butler Fairgrounds, to great applause.

He also attacked his political opponents, accusing them of slandering him and trying to interfere in the elections, and who knows, maybe even trying to kill me.

But I never stopped fighting for you, he added. I will never do it.

Trump repeatedly referenced the earlier shooting, and the event included a moment of silence for Corey Competore, the volunteer firefighter killed in the July shooting.

He became something of a folk hero, Trump added. Our beautiful Corey.

The former president was full of praise for Elon Musk and went out of his way to invite him on stage.

The tech billionaire told the crowd he believed this was “the most important election of our lifetimes” and urged voters to register and elect Trump.

Between 25,000 and 30,000 people were expected at the rally, which paralyzed traffic in the rural town north of Pittsburgh for all day Saturday. Many waited up to 10 hours in the blazing sun to pass a long line of vendors selling Trump-Vance campaign flags, hats, signs and orange wigs meant to impersonate the former president.

I certainly admire his willingness to come back here and give the speech he was denied last time, said Teresa Wilson, a former U.S. Marine who also attended the previous rally on July 13.

I would understand if he avoided coming back. I know spectators who did not want to come back, and others who were very worried, she added. If it succeeds in replacing the previous attempt, then we as constituents can certainly come forward to offer our support.

Months later, Trump shooting witness still stunned by security lapses

With just 31 days until Americans vote, polls show Trump and Kamala Harris in a tight race in Pennsylvania – a hotly contested battleground state that could prove crucial.

Data from the New York Times and Siena College, for example, show the two are nearly deadlocked, tied, 49% to 48% in favor of Harris.

In dozens of interviews with Trump supporters at the rally, most identified the economy — particularly inflation — as their top concern heading into the election.

Were not supported. People cannot afford to feed themselves. They can barely afford gas [petrol]said Jessenia Anderson, a voter who was at the rally and wore a red “Latinas for Trump” T-shirt. I have a family, but I find myself earning less [meals]buy cheaper things.

Others, like rapper Sean Moon, a Tennessee voter, cited the U.S.-Mexico border and concerns about immigration as the main reason they supported the former president.

Migrant crossings at the U.S. southern border reached record levels under the Biden-Harris administration, but their numbers have declined significantly in recent months.

It is an existential threat to this country, Mr. Moon, the son of a North Korean refugee, said of the migrant crossings. Butler's event, he said, was his 15th consecutive Trump rally.

There are people who arrive without having been checked. They tell untruths and are rewarded for it. »




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