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Boris Johnson says he regrets apologizing for partying during pandemic

Boris Johnson says he regrets apologizing for partying during pandemic
Boris Johnson says he regrets apologizing for partying during pandemic


In an interview, the former British Prime Minister pointed out that the reason Downing Street Garden was used was because it was seen as a much safer environment.

(EFE) – Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this Friday that regrets apologizing for Downing Street parties during the pandemic, better known as Partygate, which cost him his resignation.

What did Johnson say?

In his first television appearance days after the publication of his political memoir, Johnson said that when he apologized he considered that had inadvertently validated all accusations against various government officials to whom the scandal spread, and that it was not fair to them.

Do you regret asking the Queen for forgiveness? asked the reporter. ITV Tom Bradby, to which the former Prime Minister refused to respond, saying that He wasn't going to talk about his conversations with the late monarch Elizabeth II.

The ITV presenter also mentioned a leaked email from Johnson's private secretary, Martin Reynolds, in which he invited more than 100 people to a socially distanced drink in the courtyard of his official residence; to which Johnson said that I don't think the officials thought they were breaking the rules and they worked tirelessly.

The reason Downing Street Garden was used was because We thought it was a much safer environment and we had to keep our distancego.

Also read: Boris Johnson breaks royal protocol and claims Queen Elizabeth II suffered from bone cancer

Johnson, who came to power with an absolute majority in December 2019, pointed the finger at his predecessor David Cameron for resigning after Brexit and I blamed him for not having a future plan.: It is not normal for the Prime Minister, after having requested a referendum vote, to suddenly leave the stage.

Likewise, the former conservative leader nor did he close the door to a possible return to the front line of British politics.claiming that the chances were as good as being reincarnated as an olive tree, being blinded by a champagne cork, being locked in a disused refrigerator or being decapitated by a frisbee.

Johnson I uttered the same enigmatic sentence in 2015after being asked if he would like to succeed David Cameron as Prime Minister.

On the other hand, he avoided answering questions such as: who is his preferred candidate for the US electionsor who he prefers as the next leader of the Conservative Party, although he suggested that Robert Jenrick or who had been the worst prime minister, Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak.

The former leader of the British Conservatives will publish his political memoirs on October 10. Unchained (Unleashed), of more than 700 pages, which began to be published in installments last Friday in the Daily Mail with some controversial statements about his plans to invade the Netherlands to collect doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine during the pandemic.

Johnson was due to make his first televised remarks this Thursday on the BBC, but the interview was ultimately canceled after journalist Laura Kuenssberg mistakenly sent questions to the former prime minister before the broadcast.




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