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Avalanche claim defender John Ludvig will no longer receive an exemption

Avalanche claim defender John Ludvig will no longer receive an exemption
Avalanche claim defender John Ludvig will no longer receive an exemption


The Avalanche added another defenseman on Saturday, claiming John Ludvig off waivers. The former Pittsburgh Penguins blueliner played 33 games last year.

It's a somewhat confusing move for Colorado, which already has eight defensemen ahead of Monday's roster deadline. But the addition of Ludvig could mean many things for the boys battling for a spot at the bottom of the squad. I'll get into that soon, but first: who exactly is John Ludvig?

The 24-year-old was drafted in the third round by the Florida Panthers in 2019 but never dressed for them in an NHL game. Last year, Ludvig was claimed off waivers by the Pens on October 9 after being one of the final cuts for the Panthers. He ended up playing in 33 games in 2023/24, scoring three goals and adding two assists.

Ludvig is a 6-foot-1, 210-pound defenseman who plays a physical game. In his first game with the Pens, Ludvig put down a much bigger Radek Faksa with a huge hit on open ice. He fought five times, including a bout against Nashville Predators' 6'6 forward Michael McCarron. While he has the tools to make an impact, his overall play is quite inconsistent and he can be quite invisible when not showing physicality.

The Liberec, Czech Republic native is looking for a fresh start with the Avs after recovering from left wrist surgery, which originally had a timeline of 4 to 6 months.

But where does he fit in?

There's no doubt that the Avalanche have been impressed with the defensemen they brought in this summer. Both Erik Brannstrom and Oliver Kylington have had inconsistent camps and have yet to secure a roster spot. While Brannstrom was the better of the two, there is a possibility that neither is in the plans to start in Wednesday's season opener against the Vegas Golden Knights.

Sam Malinski and Calvin de Haan were the better options. But why did the team feel the need to add Ludvig anyway? Is his physicality the missing ingredient of the bottom pairing? It's certainly a possibility given the way the team was pushed in some preseason games. Or maybe they place one of Brannstrom and Kylington on waivers before Monday. Let's not forget that Brannstrom, who left practice Thursday after colliding with Miles Wood, could still be upset. However, he did dress during Thursday's game.

Whatever the reasoning, Colorado's staff felt the defense was not as well thought out as they had initially thought. Given the waiver claim, I assume Ludvig will be on the team when the Avalanche submit their final roster on Monday. Unless Brannstrom starts the season on IR, I don't see a scenario where the Avs have nine defensemen on board to open the season.




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