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Projo insinuates the trial of Habib Rizieq et al against Jokowi for an amount of 5,246 T IDR: politics!



Projo (Bendum) General Treasurer Panel Barus responded to the lawsuit filed by Habib Rizieq against President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) worth IDR 5,246 trillion. The panel said every individual has the right to sue.

“A trial is the right of every individual,” the Barus Panel told reporters on Sunday (06/10/2024).

Despite this, the Group said political claims that go beyond the truth risk sowing confusion among the population. He questioned the trial aimed at discrediting the country's leader.



“There are many things to consider as it concerns the leader of the country. Political trials, especially for purposes other than the truth, will only confuse the people. It is a shame that the people are influenced. Without talk about the trials that aim to discredit the leaders of the country.

Furthermore, the Group said that now is the time to unite and not to deceive the people. He believes that the president-elect, Prabowo Subianto, opposes ideas that discredit the country's leaders.

“I am sure that Pak Prabowo, as the next president, will oppose ideas that discredit state leaders, because this will also spread and discredit state institutions, including legal institutions. Do not mislead not the people, they must now unite to create a future The people we have had enough of the insults, a curse,” he said.

Previously, Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) and six others filed a civil suit against President Joko Widodo. In one of the motions in the lawsuit, the plaintiff demanded that Jokowi, as the defendant, pay compensation of IDR 5,246.75 trillion. Where does this numerical calculation come from?

“The calculation is based on Indonesia's external debt since he took office, which is suspected of causing losses of this magnitude,” said HRS lawyer Aziz Yanuar, contacted on Friday (4/10 ).

The lawsuit filed by Rizieq et al is registered with the Central Jakarta District Court. The lawsuit was filed on September 30, 2024 and docketed under case number 661/Pdt.G/2024/PN Jkt.Pst.

Aziz explained the context of the lawsuit filed. He said the trial was related to the alleged violation of Jokowi's authority.

“The trial concerns alleged lies using constitutional instruments,” Aziz said.

In the plaintiff's press release distributed by Aziz Yanuar, there are a number of explanations about the reasons for pursuing Jokowi. The plaintiffs believe Jokowi lied from the time he became governor of DKI Jakarta in 2012 until he became two-term president.

The press release reported a number of lies by Jokowi, starting with the statement that 6,000 units of ESEMKA cars were ordered to lies regarding data about 11,000 trillion rupiah in Jokowi's pocket .

A total of seven people are plaintiffs in the civil lawsuit. Besides HRS, there is also Munarman who is one of the complainants. Here are the names:

Habib Rizieq Shihab
Major General TNI (retired) Soenarko
Eko Santjojo
Edy Mulyadi
M Mursalim R
Marwan Batubara

Here is the summary of the lawsuit filed by HRS et al against Jokowi:

1. Accept and grant the plaintiffs' request in its entirety
2. Declare that the defendant (Joko Widodo) committed an illegal act
3. Order the accused (Joko Widodo) to pay material compensation in the amount of IDR 5,246.75 trillion to be deposited in the public treasury.





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