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Imran Khan and 200 PTI workers accused of 'rebellion' and 'terrorism' against state

Imran Khan and 200 PTI workers accused of 'rebellion' and 'terrorism' against state
Imran Khan and 200 PTI workers accused of 'rebellion' and 'terrorism' against state


A case has been registered against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's former founding president Imran Khan, along with several party leaders and workers, on serious charges of “rebellion and terrorism”.

The case was filed at the Islam Pura police station on Sunday, accusing former Prime Minister Imran, along with 200 party workers, of inciting “violence against the state”.

Among those named in the FIR are prominent PTI lawmakers including Hamad Azhar, Salman Akram Raja, Ghulam Mohiuddin, MPA Shahbaz, Musrat Jamshed Cheema, Sheikh Imtiaz, Ali Imtiaz and Shabbir Gujjar.

According to the FIR, Imran allegedly instigated these leaders to come out of prison, urging them to “promote violence against the state”, which led to protests and vandalism.

Police reported that PTI activists injured an officer, Bilal, during the protests and that 16 agitators were arrested on the spot.

Despite the imposition of Section 144 in Lahore and four other cities, banning all political rallies, PTI supporters turned out in large numbers.

The government also deployed Rangers to Lahore, setting up roadblocks with containers and putting police and paramilitary forces on alert.

The Punjab government, acting on the recommendations of the Cabinet Standing Committee on Law and Order, had also asked military troops to maintain law and order.

Additionally, cases were filed against PTI workers for violating Section 144 during protests across the city, including at Milat Park and Hanjra Wal police stations.

A complaint was registered at Hanjra Wal police station against 20 workers on behalf of ASI Aqeel, who had apprehended protesters the day before.

Several PTI leaders, including Lahore MP Ahmer Rasheed Bhatti, ticket holders Malik Zaheer Abbas Khokhar and Malik Nadeem Bara, were arrested from the protest venue.

Leader of Opposition in Punjab Assembly Malik Ahmad Khan Bhachar was also arrested and his whereabouts were unknown till late night.

Meanwhile, an FIR was lodged at Milat Park police station by sub-inspector Hafiz Imran against 10 workers for similar violations.

Events until further notice

As a significant number of protesters reached Islamabad on Friday and Saturday, the PTI party decided to continue its protests until it received a directive from founding president Imran Khan to withdraw its workers.

However, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur's decision to leave his party members in Islamabad and move to the KP House surprised many.

The PTI political committee criticized the chief minister's absence and warned of “serious repercussions” if Gandapur were to be shut down. They further decided that in case of arrest of the chief minister, Azam Swati would take charge of the protests, and a new leader would be announced if Swati was also arrested.

Former Speaker National Assembly and senior PTI leader Asad Qaiser told Dawn: “The PTI political committee has decided to continue the protest as long as it gets a clear directive from Imran Khan to end at the demonstration. He added, “It was also decided that Azam Swati would lead the protest if Gandapur was arrested. » Qaiser warned that the arrest of a sitting chief minister would have disastrous consequences for the country.

Responding to a question, Qaiser alleged that the government was trying to arrest PTI lawmakers and criticized the law enforcement agencies' treatment of Zartaj Gul. “Even if the government tries to kidnap MPs and their family members, we hope they will remain firm in their position. Thousands of PTI workers have been arrested across the country,” he said.

Meanwhile, CM Gandapur's whereabouts were not known till late night. This was the third instance in which the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief minister was unable to reach the destination of the PTI march, after failing earlier in Lahore and Rawalpindi.

On Saturday, after entering Islamabad, he chose to go to the KP House instead of leading the protesters.

His subsequent disappearance fueled rumors of his arrest, although government sources denied the reports. Earlier, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi had asserted that no one would be allowed to enter Islamabad, saying arrangements were in place to confront the protesters with an iron fist.

However, on Saturday, a rally from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, led by CM Gandapur, visited Islamabad, where workers gathered near Centaurus Mall and China Chowk, just a few kilometers from D-Chowk. Earlier on Friday, many PTI workers led by Amir Mughal arrived at D-Chowk, celebrating Imran Khan's birthday by cutting a cake at midnight.

KP government spokesperson Barrister Mohammad Saif also said that the KP chief minister had been “arrested”, but later clarified on X (formerly Twitter) that “the KP CM has not not been officially arrested. A large contingent of Rangers and police personnel are present at KP House. The KP CM is out on bail till October 25. If he is arrested, it will be an insult to the mandate of the people of KP; the fake government will have to answer for these unconstitutional and illegal actions.

Moreover, Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly Omar Ayub Khan claimed that Mr. Gandapur was arrested from KP House.

Meanwhile, lawyer Gohar Khan, president of PTI, told media that the protest was initially planned for one day, but due to the crackdown, PTI chose to continue.

Asked by reporters whether the chief minister was arrested while leaving the KP House, Mr. Gohar refused to comment.




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