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PM Modi launches projects worth 56,000 crore in Maharashtra, launches new metro line

PM Modi launches projects worth 56,000 crore in Maharashtra, launches new metro line
PM Modi launches projects worth 56,000 crore in Maharashtra, launches new metro line


Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Maharashtra on Saturday (October 5) to launch several development initiatives costing over 56 trillion. The visit takes on particular significance as the state goes to the polls this year.

He inaugurated the Banjara Virasat Museum, celebrating the rich heritage of the Banjara community, in Washim, and launched projects worth 23,300 crores related to the agriculture and livestock sector.

Modi tried his hand at a traditional dhol at the Jagdamba Mata temple in Poharadevi, Washim. Modi offered prayers at the temple and also paid homage to Sant Sevalal Maharaj and Sant Ramrao Maharaj during their 'samadhis' at Poharadevi.

Modi disbursed the 18th tranche of PM-KISAN Samman Nidhi worth around 20,000 crore to around 9.4 crore farmers. With the release of the 18th installment, the total funds disbursed to farmers under the scheme will reach around 3.45 lakh crore.

“The 18th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi was released today. I had the honor of awarding the beneficiaries of the Ladki Behan Yojana,” Modi said.

He inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of various development projects worth over 32,800 crores in Thane.

From BKC Metro station, he flagged down a train which was to connect BKC to Aarey JVLR, Mumbai. The BKC-Aarey JVLR section of Mumbai Metro Line 3 is worth around `14,120 crore and will have 10 stations, nine of which will be underground.

The Prime Minister unveiled over 7,500 projects under the Agricultural Infrastructure Fund (AIF) worth over 1,920 crores, the bulk of which is earmarked for construction of primary processing units, d warehouses, sorting and grading units, cold storage projects and post-harvest services. management projects among others.

He inaugurated 9,200 Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) with a combined turnover of around 1,300 crores.

Five solar parks with a total capacity of 19 MW across Maharashtra under 'Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Vahini Yojana 2.0' were also inaugurated by him.

The Prime Minister also laid the foundation stone of the Thane Integral Ring Metro Rail project which will be constructed at a cost of around 12,200 crore. The total length of the project is 29 km with 20 overhead stations and 2 underground stations.

The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for the elevated extension of the Eastern Expressway from Chheda Nagar to Anand Nagar, Thane, worth around `3,310 crore. The project will provide seamless connectivity from South Mumbai to Thane.

He also laid the foundation stone of Phase 1 of the Navi Mumbai Airport Notified Zone of Influence (NAINA) project, worth around $2,550 crore. The project includes the construction of major arterial roads, bridges, viaducts, underpasses and integrated utility infrastructure.

He laid the foundation stone of the Thane Municipal Corporation, which will be built at a cost of around 700 crores. The high-rise administrative building of the Thane Municipal Corporation will house most of the municipal offices in the centrally located building, he said.




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