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Britain urges Israel to exercise restraint amid concerns over spread of conflict in Middle East | Israel

Britain urges Israel to exercise restraint amid concerns over spread of conflict in Middle East | Israel
Britain urges Israel to exercise restraint amid concerns over spread of conflict in Middle East | Israel


The British government is urging Israel to show restraint as Keir Starmer warns that sparks from conflict in the Middle East could ignite the touchpaper of our communities.

Israeli airstrikes on Saturday night, October 7, sent shockwaves across the Lebanese capital as the war between Israel and Hamas in the Palestinian territories marks its one-year anniversary. Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed group.

Meanwhile, Gaza's Civil Defense said 24 people were killed and dozens wounded in an Israeli airstrike on a mosque in central Gaza early Sunday. 111 Israeli hostages captured on October 7, 2023 have not yet been released.

British Cabinet Secretary Peter Kyle did not rule out the possibility of British troops assisting Israel in attacking Iran, but noted that any operational decisions to be taken would be based on delicate negotiations.

Kyle also pointed out that the prime minister had spoken to Britain's allies over the past few days, including Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz, which resulted in unanimous advice that Israel should exercise restraint in the region. But Kyle said the British government could not tell Israel, a sovereign nation, to take any action.

Kyle said on the BBC Ones Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg programme: We deeply understand the challenges Israel has faced this year. But the only way forward is restraint and a ceasefire to create space for a political solution. complicated. The war is deepening and we are not moving toward the peace we need. Therefore, we are calling for action to move towards a peaceful resolution.

In an article in the Sunday Times, the Prime Minister pointed out the vicious hatred towards Jews and Muslims following the October 7 attacks.

Relatives carry the bodies of their dead loved ones wrapped in shrouds following an Israeli attack in Deir el Bala, Gaza Strip. Photo: APAImages/Rex/Shutterstock

He has previously expressed concern that the region is in crisis following Iran's missile attack on Israel and urged all parties involved in the conflict to act with restraint and return to a political rather than military solution. He wrote in the newspaper: The flames of this deadly conflict are now sweeping the region. And here at home, the spark of our community shines through.

He added, “There are always people who use overseas conflicts to incite domestic conflicts.” Since October 7, we have watched the vicious hatred against Jews and Muslims grow in our communities.

The Foreign Ministry's development agency said more than 250 people had so far been able to leave Lebanon on three charter flights that had already left Beirut. There are no further charter flights scheduled, but the situation will be kept under review.

Andrew Mitchell, the shadow foreign secretary, told Sky News on Sunday Morning with the Trevor Phillips programme: Of course Iran has already responded and in both cases when there were direct attacks from Iran, Israel responded to British forces. I tried to help you with this.

Israel is a very strong ally. Of course we want a de-escalation, we want negotiations, we want to see people turn their attention towards the possibility of a political solution.

Zarah Sultana, a suspended Labor Party member who now runs as an independent, told the BBC there was no scenario in which Britain could be justified in intervening in an attack on Iran.

She added: Looking at Britain's foreign policy in the Middle East over the last two decades, the list of failures is long and lessons clearly have not been learned. Looking at the thoughts of the British public, 56% support a ban on arms sales to Israel, only 17% are opposed to it, 67% believe Israel has committed war crimes and 84% want Netanyahu arrested if he enters the UK. . This is clearly a far cry from what British public opinion and the government say.

Former Conservative foreign minister Malcolm Rifkind said what both Israelis and Palestinians need is leadership that does not forget the past and is prepared to move toward political dialogue.




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