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Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao, Imran Khan and others arrive in Pali…


The prayer meeting of Reena Dutta's father Kewal Dutta took place today at Pali Hill Bandra. Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao, Junaid Khan were all there

Aamir Khan and his family attended the prayer meeting of his first wife Reena Dutta's father. Kewal Dutta passed away a few days ago and the entire family was with Reena in her moment of grief. Today the prayer meeting was held at Pali Hill, Bandra. Reena Dutta supervised all the preparations. Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao, Faisal Khan, Imran Khan, Ira Khan and Junaid Khan were there. In fact, Salim Khan, the father of superstar Salman Khan, also came to pay his respects. Aamir Khan can be seen hugging his wife Reena who lost her father.

The entire Khan family at the prayer meeting Khan's father pays tribute in

We can also see Imran Khan at the prayer meeting. He wore a white shirt with well-fitting beige pants and matching beige boots. Netizens commented that her dress sense was as sharp as ever. Imran Khan is going to make his comeback with an OTT film. It seems that Vir Das is the director. Imran Khan has been preparing for his comeback for a while now. He also rejected an OTT web series.

Salim Khan, father of superstar Salman Khan, was also present. He knows all the elderly people in Pali Hill locality in Bandra. Aamir and Salman have a deep bond as neighbors.

Faisal Khan comes to pay his respects to Reena Dutta's father

We can see Faisal Khan at the prayer meeting. He is the brother of Aamir Khan. Fans remember him from Mela. In the mid-2000s, the two brothers had issues in which Faisal alleged that Aamir Khan gave him medication that made him mentally unstable. It seems he lived elsewhere. But now things seem good as he was also present at Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare's wedding.

Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare

Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare also came. She was always by her mother's side. Junaid Khan and Ira Khan were born to Reena Dutta, who separated from Aamir Khan in 2002. The separation happened after 16 years of marriage. Ira Khan's wedding took place recently in Rajasthan, and everyone was present for the same.

Kiran Rao at the rally Khan on site

Kiran Rao and Junaid Khan were also there. Junaid lives with his mother, Reena Dutta. Rao recounted how Reena Dutta, she and all the members of the Khan family had dinner together every Monday. It's like a ritual. She also said that her family loved her very much and was a support system. It seems like she had a hard time explaining to her parents how they all seem so cordial with each other.

Aamir Khan with Reena Dutta

Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta had eloped in 1986 to get married. She was his neighbor. It seemed she rejected him at first, but he was quite persistent. The couple had two children but the marriage began to fall apart. But even after the separation, they managed to maintain good terms. She is closely associated with its Paani initiative.




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