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Elon Musk kneels in front of Donald Trump

Elon Musk kneels in front of Donald Trump
Elon Musk kneels in front of Donald Trump


Have you ever seen a crowd go wild for a PowerPoint slide? After some introductory greetings yesterday in Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump held up a screen showing the same graph on illegal immigration he talked about when he was nearly assassinated in July and delivered his actual opening remarks : As I said

The audience loved it. Rally runners had queued for hours in the hot sun to enter the field, and this was their reward. They achieved this thanks to warm-up speeches from JD Vance, Lara Trump and Scott Presler, the last of whom was the founder of Gays for Trump and the March Against Sharia, who promised all the Amish watching that Trump would protect your raw milk. protect your ability to afford 10 beautiful children per family. (One of the marvels of the MAGA movement is how it absorbs other political positions, in this case crunch and pronatalism, into a seamless mythology.) After that came time for the crowds to rejoice in the defeat, as Trump said, of a cold country. bloody assassin [who] aimed to silence me and silence the greatest movement, MAGA, in the history of our country. An opera singer even performed the Ave Maria.

It is known that the Gettysburg Address was only 271 words long. Trump's speech lasted 90 minutes. The contrast between the excerpts of the speech he read from the teleprompters, which covered sacred sites and monuments to bravery, and the improvised sections, which featured digressions on potholes and the Olympic controversy over boxing, was striking. How can we say that America is experiencing an attention crisis when people are volunteering to listen to this stuff?

The real highlight of the show, however, was when the former president brought Elon Musk on stage. The billionaire had enthusiastically published his support for the former president all day. Yes, a man who prides himself, like Cartman, on refusing to yield to any external authority, was truly giddy at the idea of ​​being able to publicly swear fealty to Trump.

Musk used to claim that he was a disappointed Democrat and that he wanted X to reflect the breadth of American opinion. For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, he posted in April 2022, when he was in the process of buying it. Three months later, he claimed that Trump was too old to run for president again: It was time for Trump to hang up his hat and sail into the sunset.

The former president took this as well as one would expect. When Elon Musk came to the White House to ask me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, from electric cars that don't run long enough to driverless cars that crash to rockets that lead nowhere, without which subsidies are worthless, and he said to me: how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, get on your knees and beg, and he would have done, he published on Truth Social in July 2022.

Musk didn't get on his knees and beg Butler, but he didn't have to, he already made his MAGA loyalty very clear on X. Yesterday he reared up behind Trump. Honestly, his 53-year-old knees are to blame for their flexibility. He frolicked. He scampered about, lively as a spring lamb, fertile as a spawning salmon, executing a series of short hops behind the ex-president and exposing a few inches of pale stomach as his OCCUPY MARS T-shirt rode up. He saved free speech, said Trump, who nevertheless seemed slightly alarmed by Musk's exuberance. He created so many different great things.

Musk took the mic and gestured to his black-on-black MAGA hat instead of the usual white-on-red one. As you can see, he told the crowd, “I’m not just MAGA. I'm dark MAGA.

Earlier in the proceedings, Vance had portrayed Trump as the victim of inflammatory rhetoric rather than one of its primary supporters. Musk has now tried a similar reverse card, arguing that Trump was the only candidate who could be trusted to preserve the Constitution, to preserve democracy in America. He showed no awareness that Trump, as the latest court documents suggest, attempted to intimidate his vice president from certifying the 2020 election results, then reacted with callous indifference when A mob threatened Mike Pence's life as a result. (So ​​what? Trump reportedly said.) While repeatedly apologizing for repeating himself, Musk also managed to say that if Trump didn't win, this would be the last election. This is my prediction.

After Musk took his place again, Trump lavished more praise on the billionaire. He had no idea what the Starlink satellite network was, he said, but he had heard from people affected by Hurricane Helen that they wanted it, and he called Musk. Just like that, while the two men were still on the phone, Starlink was on its way to North Carolina and Georgia. It was the purest essence of strongman politics, implying that everything can be solved by the right person talking to the right other person. No hold-ups, no bureaucracy, no need even for the leader to understand what's going on. Just simple problems and simple solutions.

At that point, the crowd started chanting: Elon! Elon! Elon!

This was probably the reception Elon Musk had hoped for when he bought Twitter. Of course, he didn't find it then: many of his top engineers quit, foreign judges ruled against him, advertisers abandoned him, and prominent figures left the platform. Never mind. In Butler, Pennsylvania, was the adoration Musk seems to crave. He must believe that Trump will let him do whatever he wants, including, as the ex-president said, reach Mars before my term is up. And why not? It wasn't the most ridiculous thing said on stage at Butler.

The pact between Musk and Trump gives both men what they want: a voice for their ideas, a channel to their fans, an ability to shape the political conversation. Yesterday was supposed to be a celebration of the former president's miraculous survival and a tribute to the courageous Americans who risked their lives to help others during the shooting. Instead, it marked an unpredictable alliance between the world's richest man and the politician who managed to intimidate and flatter him into kneeling.




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