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Hurricane Kirk remnants to bring strong winds and rain to UK | uk news

Hurricane Kirk remnants to bring strong winds and rain to UK | uk news
Hurricane Kirk remnants to bring strong winds and rain to UK | uk news


The weather is set to worsen further later this week as remnants of Hurricane Kirk make landfall in the UK.

Severe flooding has occurred in parts of England in recent weeks as wet weather has forced cities and towns into lockdown.

Now it looks like rain and wind may return due to a low pressure system moving in from across the Atlantic.

Kirk was a major hurricane as of Sunday, but is expected to weaken over the next few days and become a “more typical” low-pressure system, Sky News meteorologist Christopher England said.

Kirk, or what's left of it, will be a hurricane by the time it reaches northwestern Europe on Wednesday and Thursday, but is still expected to bring heavy rain and strong winds.

There is currently a lot of uncertainty, but if it meets the UK's criteria for a storm, there is a chance it could be named Storm Kirk.

The Prime Minister said: “The current path and intensity remain uncertain, but latest models suggest Kirk will race towards northern France, bringing heavy rain and strong damaging winds, and possibly as far south as northern Spain.”

“There is about a 15% chance of around 50mm (2in) of rain in south-east England, with a chance of around twice that lower, but this is all subject to change.”

The Korea Meteorological Administration also did not rule out issuing a weather warning.

Image: Hurricane Kirk's projected path.

Temperatures are likely to remain mild, up to 18C (64F), although heavy rain at times is expected to spread east on Sunday.

Monday and Tuesday will see a mix of sunshine and showers, the heaviest in the west, with drier weather in the east, with the remnants of Kirk hitting us later in the week.

The rain could be “devastating,” the Met Office said.

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There are currently five flood warnings and 26 flood warnings in place.

However, the First Minister pointed out that areas currently at risk of flooding are outside the Kirk's highest risk area for heavy rainfall.

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northern lights

Forecasters have said there is a chance of seeing the Northern Lights in parts of the UK over the weekend, but they don't appear to be as prevalent as they were earlier this year.

The largest solar flare in seven years was emitted by the sun Thursday, but it didn't seem to be as noticeable to Earth as many had hoped.

Rain and clouds may have obstructed visibility.




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